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Bill Loundy
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Good stuff! When I'm not working, my stuck-at-home life (which is sometimes excruciatingly boring) is 90% reading on Readup. I've been thinking that I need to spice things up and this looks fun. Regardless, it's hard to feel human while staring at the black mirror, but if it's an "event" (meaning: interactive, ephemeral and COOL) that makes a huge difference.

An events calendar for the streaming age.

Readup is the best way to find, read, and share articles and stories online. It's powered by a global community of readers who vote with their attention. Articles are ranked by read completion (versus upvotes) and nobody can comment on stuff they haven't read.

A social platform that incentivizes deep, focused reading

Bill Loundy
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Hi folks!
Jeff and I met in pre-school and we've been best friends ever since. We've been working on Readup full-time for almost three years.
The company started with a random phone call that ended up lasting several hours. We talked about a huge problem with the web: tons of people comment on articles they haven't read. It leads to shallow, off-topic, and toxic conversations.
We wondered...

A social platform that incentivizes deep, focused reading

Bill Loundy
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Hey everyone! Jeff and I have been working on this idea for over two years. Our vision is to move the entire social media and news industries away from ads and distractions.
We have some initial traction and would love your feedback!

Track and improve your online reading habits.

Readup was built to improve the experience of reading articles and stories on the internet. The platform incentivizes deep, focused reading. On Readup, you can only comment on articles you have fully read, so conversations are interesting and insightful.

Track and improve your online reading habits.

Bill Loundy
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Hey PH! @reallyjeff and I grew up on the Jersey Shore and we've been best friends since pre-school.
A little over two years ago, we hatched a plan to fix commenting by prohibiting people from commenting on articles and stories they haven't *actually* read. We believe that commenting on something should be a privilege (not a right) and reading is an appropriate baseline expectation. So we...
Track and improve your ability to read past the headlines. helps you read better and read more. Better means longer, smarter articles. And more just means more.
Our aim is to create a social media platform that's actually *good* for you.
Deep reading feeds the brain and soul. Shallow browsing (scanning headlines) rots your mind, kills your ability to focus, and makes you depressed.
Track and improve your ability to read past the headlines.

Bill Loundy
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My move when I'm gettin' too tabby is to X everything as fast as possible and pretend like nothing happened.

A powerful alternative to bookmarks.

Bill Loundy
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Hey PH!
Jeff and I are two best friends (since preschool!) now starting a company together. After developing this concept for over a year, we’re excited to launch v1 on Product Hunt!
Our technology is simple, but powerful. Using a chrome extension, users get credit for stuff they’ve read fully, which unlocks commenting privileges. It’s not possible to comment on anything you...
You can't comment on stuff you haven't read. is a commenting platform and community. Uniquely, nobody is allowed to comment on any article or story they haven't fully read.
You can't comment on stuff you haven't read.

Bill Loundy
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What makes your platform different from - say - We Work Remotely, Remote OK, Jobscribe, Working Nomads, etc?

Remote Natives
Weekly email with remote jobs at tech startups and SMBs

Bill Loundy
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How on Earth does this have 70 upvotes? @producthunt = fake news?

Tool Stash
Find tools & resources to start a business.

Bill Loundy
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our logo is totally black & white, but we got a score of "19" on color? how's that?

Logo Rank
Let an AI critique your logo design

Bill Loundy
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what strangely shaped heads these people have...

Beta Family
50,000 testers to test your app

Bill Loundy
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upvote for that epic explainer gif
Turn your iPhone into a translation device

Bill Loundy
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Why fat lama instead of fat llama?
Less waste a good thing - wish you luck.

Fat Lama
Borrow stuff you need. Lend stuff you don't

Bill Loundy
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Not working for me :/

My Reading Habits
Use Pocket to read articles? Discover your reading habits!

Bill Loundy
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Great looking site. Why don't the articles have comment sections?

A new media site for woman, from Sophia Amoruso

Bill Loundy
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I'm Bill Loundy, founder of The Yoke:
We built this platform to help yoga teachers and students connect in new and interesting ways. Teachers can take greater control over their teaching (and earn better pay) and students now have a real alternative to "studio" yoga. Plus, classes are cheaper than what studios are able to offer. So everybody wins!
We're still small, but...

The Yoke
A platform for renegade yoga instructors