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@theomarechall1 nice collection!
just a head's up - the submit form isn't working. I tried to enter my product URL (, but it says that the URL should have a '@' sign in it 😕
Curated list of over 700 tools for work and life

EmailThis will remove ads & distractions from the page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images. You can read the email anytime you like, anywhere you like - on your computer, smartphone or tablet.
It is meant to be a simpler alternative to bookmarking and "read-later" tools like Pocket, Instapaper and Evernote.
EmailThis for Firefox
Turn your email inbox into your reading list.

Found a great article but don't have time to read it now?
EmailThis will remove ads & distractions from the page and send you a beautifully formatted email with just the text and images. You can read the email anytime you like, anywhere you like - on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Email This
Send ad-free articles & web pages to your email inbox

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@neerajt4 Thanks for hunting!
I have extracted this boilerplate from the browser extensions that I've been building for my side project, Email This. The Chrome Extension that is built using this boilerplate can be seen here -
Currently, this supports Chrome, Firefox and Opera. I am working on adding support...

Extension Boilerplate
Build cross browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox & Opera

Extension Boilerplate
Build cross browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox & Opera

Typographic Email
Responsive email template that is optimized for readability.

Email This
Send ad-free articles & web pages to your email inbox.

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One of the biggest problems with finding the right Bootstrap theme for your project is having to wade through fancy cover images and screenshots. Bootstrap Carnival tries to make this a bit easier by instantly showing you the demos of over 2000+ premium Bootstrap themes from multiple marketplaces (WrapBootstrap, Creative Market and Themeforest). It also has nice search filters (search by...

Bootstrap Carnival
Find the perfect Bootstrap theme for your next project

Bootstrap Carnival
Find the perfect Bootstrap theme for your next project