Ben Thietje

Ben Thietje

Artistic Director, DalekoArts
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Ben Thietje
Ben Thietje
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I'd love to use this, but holy cow is it buggy.
No-code site builder, easy as Notion, pretty as Webflow
Ben Thietje
Ben Thietje
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Been using Glide for a long time. Very excited about this update!
Glide 2.0
Create gorgeous, powerful apps for mobile & web without code
Ben Thietje
Ben Thietje
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Reminds me a little of, which I miss A LOT.
Spotify music voting for parties
Ben Thietje
Ben Thietje
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Notion is fantastic!
Notion 2.0
Notion 2.0
The all-in-one workspace - notes, tasks, wikis, & databases
Ben Thietje
Ben Thietje
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"baseball match"
Turn your calendar into a memory machine