Dan Hough

Dan Hough

Engineer, Jungle Scout โ€“ Vancouver, BC
146 points
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Dan Hough

In just a few clicks you can connect with users and record, replay and analyse how they interact with your designs and prototypes.

User Testing v2 by Marvel
Get video, voice and analytical feedback on designs
Dan Hough
Dan Hough
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Register an emoji domain name. Put emoji in your URL
Dan Hough
Dan Hough
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Bonjour! Pourquoi choisรฎtes-vous la nom de "James" pour le personne Anglaise typique?
British coders fearing the Brexit are welcome to France!
Dan Hough
Dan Hough
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This is pretty fun! We're having a nice chat about jazz :)
Watch YouTube with people online
Dan Hough
Emoji Recall for iOS and Android
Emoji Recall for iOS and Android
The popular Emoji memory game, now for your smartphone!