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Jonathan Friedman
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There is so much value in dailies done right.
Crush your daily standup
The default demo won’t cut it for your deal, and neither will spending weeks on a custom version. With Demostack you can spin up a demo environment in minutes and tailor the story for every conversation. No code needed.
Spin up a demo, tailor the story, win more deals faster
Jonathan Friedman
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Hey Product Hunt!
First off - a big thank you to @benln for hunting us.
I’m Jonathan, Co-Founder and CEO of Demostack. Along with my co-founders, @giladvdn and @aaron_hakim, I’m excited to introduce you to Demostack!
The genesis of Demostack came about while I was building a new product at TripActions and wanted to demo it to customers. I realized we were building two products - the...
Spin up a demo, tailor the story, win more deals faster
Jonathan Friedman
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It's amazing to see the power of Singular unfold. As someone who has seen v0.01, I think no digital marketer can truly do their job without this platform.
Singular Marketing Analytics
Pull marketing spend into a single dashboard. No code.
Jonathan Friedman
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Does what it says on the can.
Pros: My eyes are saved!
Cons: none
Darkness v2
Beautiful dark themes for your favorite websites
Jonathan Friedman
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How else can you come prepared to interviews without practicing? How many friends can you ping to mock intervie you?
Pros: Practice makes perfect. Mock real interviews with peers based on real questions for free.
Cons: Hopefully more interview types will be added soon (analytics, design, technical, assement etc.based on the dev track it probably would.
Pramp for Product Managers
Practice product management mock interviews with other PMs
Jonathan Friedman
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This is very useful. Practicing interviews has always been a pain. Usually people would book interviews at companies they weren’t interested in just to practice.
What can we expect next for the PM track?
Pramp for Product Managers
Practice product management mock interviews with other PMs
Growth Hacking Calendar
All growth hacking events in 2017.
Jonathan Friedman
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It shows that you've given this a lot of thought and made an offering that is vastly different from what currently exists and is also congruent with your mission. Very inspiring to see this created as a founder. Good luck!
Forget everything you know about insurance
Jonathan Friedman
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Hi Everyone,
We're so, so excited to show you the brand new V2 of Reactful. This is not an update. This is a full rehaul; built from the ground up with your feedback incorporated in it. It's the same concept you liked before but just 10X better in every way possible. Moreover, we designed a whole new website to show and tell what we're doing and posted the pricing.
To recap: Reactful is a...
Reactful 2.0
Turn 'maybe later' visitors into 'let's do this!' customers
Reactful 2.0
Turn 'maybe later' visitors into 'let's do this!' customers
Jonathan Friedman
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Hi Everyone,
I'm Jonathan, the CEO and co-founder of Reactful. I'm super excited to share the first version of Reactful with you. We've built Reactful to help marketers and growth hackers to optimize sites in the easiest, fastest way possible. Reactful's focus is on real time optimization; reading visitors' digital body language and reacting with a corresponding "visual change" in real time....
Understand your visitors and optimize your site in real time
Understand your visitors and optimize your site in real time
Response human marketing to trigger empathy