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  • Ayush Jangra ✦

    Ayush Jangra ✦

    Co-founder of Supahub.com
    84 points
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    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
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    What are the best growth channels that worked for your startup?

    For me, X and Reddit proved to be good channels especially the build-in public community on X. What about you?
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    First MRR: An Important Milestone ⛰ in the life of a solo bootstrapped founder

    I am beyond thrilled to announce that Doks.ai has officially landed it's FIRST paying customer!🎉 It's hard to put into words just how ecstatic I am about this achievement. What started as a 6-day build-in public challenge back in June 2023, inspired by other makers on Twitter, From failing massively to build the product in 6 days to finally launch it after 21 days Has grown into something...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    Handle 40-70% of support tickets autonomously

    As a business owner for over 5 years, I've always been on the lookout for ways to improve customer support while reducing the workload on my support reps. And now, with Doks.ai, we can automate customer support using ChatGPT. Our tests indicate that it can handle 40-70% of support tickets autonomously, freeing up your support reps to focus on more complex issues. Checkout:...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
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    🚀 Revolutionize your support game with this AI tool

    Are you tired of your support reps being bogged down by repetitive inquiries? Have you ever thought about using ChatGPT to make your customer support more efficient? Well, I have some exciting news for you! As a business owner for over 5 years, I've always been on the lookout for ways to improve customer support while reducing the workload on my support reps. With Doks.ai, we can now use an...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    🤯 Google has sold Google Domains to Squarespace?

    If you're like me, you may wonder why Google would divest itself of such a valuable asset. After all, Google Domains seemed like a natural fit for the Google ecosystem, Providing a one-stop shop for website creation, domain registration, and other web-related services. So why did Google sell Google Domains to Squarespace? Was it a strategic move to focus on core products and services, or...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    Do you think that your original ideas won't stand a chance against established players?

    Are you hesitant to start a business in a highly competitive market? Many people believe that starting a business in a competitive market is a bad idea. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, being in a competitive market can actually provide pre-launch validation and allow you to learn from and improve upon what's already out there. Point of difference can mean more than just...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    As a solo founder, you have to consider sales taxes. What advice would you give to new founders?

    Sales tax can get complicated as a solo founder, especially for a newbie. Let's share personal experiences on sales tax. Which platform are you using Stripe or Paddle? How you are handling them and what advice would you give to the new founders?
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    Founders & makers, How did you find your first 100 early adopters?

    As I'm building Grabee.com one thing I have learned is that I think the most important thing is to not just look for early adopters but to make them. I'm reaching out to people who might be interested in it not just contacting random strangers and hoping they'll buy from you. So I'm creating content that speaks directly to my target audience and then sharing that content with those people...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
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    Golden Kitty Winners are... 🐱 🥁 🥇

    Wooww...The winners of the Golden Kitty Awards, across 24 categories have been announced. Congratulations to all the winners who won the Golden Kitty Awards🥇 🥂 https://www.producthunt.com/golden-kitty-awards/hall-of-fame
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
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    What advice would you give someone who is starting their own company?

    I wish someone had told me how much time it would take. I was so naive when I started my company, thinking that it would be easy to get off the ground and make a name for myself. What I didn't realize until later is that there's so much work involved in building a business and so many things that can go wrong. I'm grateful for my experience now, but if I could go back and tell myself...
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    My founder cheat sheet. What's yours?

    My founder cheat sheet: → Embrace the pivot. → Enjoy the journey. → Take care of your mental health. → Don’t give up too soon (if at all). → Celebrate small wins along with big ones! → Get profitable sooner. → Hire those who are smarter than you. → Pick the right cofounder. → Prioritize product design. → Talk more to customers. What else you would add? Let me know in the comments 👇
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    Should you offer a free trial OR a free plan?

    As I'm bootstrapping grabee.com I'm wondering if should I go with a free trial period or if should I include a free plan. I think both scenarios allow you to cater to even more different types of customers and give them a better chance at finding what works best for them! But what's the best in your opinion and what worked best for your product?
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    Ayush Jangra ✦
    started a discussion

    How do you keep yourself motivated as a solo indie founder?

    I know it can get frustrating when things aren't going as well as you'd like them to. I've been there, and it's easy to get discouraged when you feel like you're flying solo. As a solo indie founder, it's important to find ways to stay motivated! For me, it's important to remember why I started in the first place. What's your way of staying motivated as a solo indie founder/maker?