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Insights instantly generates P&L and cashflow statements from raw bank data. With our top-tier transaction categorization, it ensures accuracy, letting non-tech underwriters and analysts focus on what matters.

Save 80% on underwriting businesses everywhere

Ayoub Aabass
left a comment
I must admit I'm definitely not the target for such an app. Definitely a lovely concept with a wonderful execution but I still think that apps this small make more sense as webapps rather than full fledged downloadable applications. That being said, if you are the kind of person that actually likes having even the smallest piece of functionality as a standalone app then this is definitely worth...

The coolest air quality app.

Ayoub Aabass
left a comment
- please think about PC users and map the various buttons to keyboard buttons. It is just painful to keep moving the cursor miles and miles to reach them.
- the test asks a lot of questions, sometimes users can zone out and press the wrong button for all kinds of reasons, can we please get an "undo" button? 🥺
- I can see how a lot of people can get annoyed by the email being...

Scientific personality test

Pokédexit is a platform to allow Pokémon fans to come together and voice how much they miss their favourite pocket creatures. The app allows users to vote for the Pokémon they miss the most while comparing with the rest of the community.

because all pokémon matter!

Ayoub Aabass
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You never say no to icon packs, especially when they come in such a beautifully simple-to-use package as the ones provided by this repository.
I've used simple-icons to feed icons into several projects and it has never disappointed me.
The community is great and provides lots of new icons all the time so I really look forward to seeing this project keep on improving.

Simple Icons
Free SVG icons for popular brands

Free SVG icons for popular brands. Started by Dan Leech, it's an open source project that provides hundreds of famous brands vector icons through an intuitive interface with a consistent and minimalistic look-and-feel.

Simple Icons
Free SVG icons for popular brands

Ayoub Aabass
left a comment
Congratulations on launching guys! Been testing the browser for a bit before the launch here and I'm so happy to see you finally launching it to a wider audience!
The browser definitely has enough unique features to set it apart from other browsers for a niche of power users.
I'm excited to see what features you'll come up with in the future.
Wish you the best ;)
Space Browser
The first mobile browser made for power users.