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Ayaan Gill
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Congrats on the launch! Tried this out for a day and will definitely continue using it. That being said, I have a few suggestions:
- Allow the exercises as a persistent setting separate from challenges. As someone using this app just by myself, I'd love to be able to have this option and not have to start another challenge every 7 days to access this feature. Then I could also configure my...
Pushups to earn screen time

Ayaan Gill
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Hey there!
I'm Ayaan, and I accidentally became a software engineer. It wasn’t exactly in my life plan, but here we are! My coding journey started in a pretty roundabout way. I began as a UX designer at CAMP Systems International, where my main task was to make dashboards look pretty. At that point, I hadn’t written much code, besides messing around with Webflow to build websites. I knew just...

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MUI for VS Code
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Ayaan Gill
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Congrats on the launch! I'd love to see some type of subscription/bulk site discount, and some type of sample for each type of report so I know exactly what I'm getting. Also would be nice to add Webflow to the list of platforms for step-by-step guidance.
AI powered content and SEO reports for website optimization

Ayaan Gill
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This is super impressive as a solo founder! Love the UI, especially the command center and retirement planning page. Looking forward to what you'll do with the categories feature to make it a bit more competitive with existing budgeting/personal finance tools. I'd definitely like to see some visual customization to make those more quickly distinguishable. Also, is there a reason the Principal...

Your AI-powered wealth platform

Ayaan Gill
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Congrats on the launch! I'd love to see an integration with Notion in the future, as that's where I typically keep track of details like the ones shown in the feedback. It could also provide some good opportunities for formatting and organization.

Validate your startup idea & actually get useful advice

Ayaan Gill
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Super exciting stuff! Definitely going to try this out to save precious dev time on our small team. Curious if you have any plans to expand the integrations available for the standup reports feature to other platforms (e.g. Teams, Discord, etc.)

Ellipsis (YC W24)
AI code reviews & bug fixes

Ayaan Gill
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Super excited after playing around with this a bit! Definitely beats After Effects for the simpler animations with the intuitive interface.

Lottielab Interactivity
Create and export interactive Lottie animations easily