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Atta ⚡️
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It looks really nice! Congratulations

Calm live chat and bots to serve your customers

Atta ⚡️
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Love this project 😍 Thank you for sharing it.

High quality fonts 100% free for commercial and personal use

Atta ⚡️
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Wow! Never thought one day `document.designMode = 'on'` will be the #1 product of Product Hunt 😅
Edit any website, no code required

Atta ⚡️
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Congratulations 🎉 It is a great idea.
P.S. I registered the .com version of remote makers domain name a few years ago but for a different use case.

Remote Makers
Get inspired by interviews with people working remotely.

Parking Access was established in 2003 as the first online aggregator of off-airport parking, allowing travelers to search, compare and reserve parking in advance. Today, Parking Access works with hundreds of trusted parking facilities worldwide.

Parking Access
Book the Cheapest Airport Parking. Earn $10 Rewards Credit.

Atta ⚡️
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So the Launchaco Logo Maker is now a part of Namecheap. Congratulations 🎉🎉

Free Logo Maker
Create beautiful logos in minutes (by Namecheap)

Atta ⚡️
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Congratulations on the launch 🎉 How do you plan on making money?
FormSubmit 2.0
Receive your site's form submission directly to your inbox

Atta ⚡️
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Awesome 👌 Will use it for Whobal launch next week.
Launch Day by Product Hunt
A dashboard to monitor your launch day in real time 🚀

Atta ⚡️
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A great news for open-source community 👏 Wondering how it gonna affect OpenCollective 🤔

GitHub Sponsors
Get paid to build what you love on GitHub

Atta ⚡️
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Awesome 👌 Would be nice to have the ability to save the output in a file. Maybe a text or JSON file?
$ username u -o output.txt
How unique is your username?

Atta ⚡️
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While I like the idea behind this, it is ridiculous to ask for phone number to create an account. What it has to do with prayer timings? Honestly I was expecting something better.

An app that helps young Muslims develop good habits.

Atta ⚡️
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Wow, amazing. It is a great tool 👌
Turn high fidelity UI images into mockups

Atta ⚡️
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It looks awesome✌ I have submitted a deal for Wired Dots. Hope it will be useful for Makerpad members to quickly build landing pages.

Develop skills, build things and get hired - without code

Atta ⚡️
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Wanted to submit for beta-testing but $100 fee is too high IMHO.

A directory of 250+ tools and resources for your projects

Atta ⚡️
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Awesome! Thank you for adding StartupBase :)

Submit Checklist
Checklist of directories to submit your startup

Atta ⚡️
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Super cooooooool 👏👏
Pros: Just love it ❤️️
Cons: None
Cool Backgrounds
Create fast, one-of-a-kind hero images for blogs & websites