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Finsuba is a global finance data company providing news, prices, analytics, analysis and predictions for stock markets, etfs and crypto.

Stock and crypto news, prices and data analysis

Andrew McKenzie
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Hi Everyone,
I made this as I felt most stock and crypto data websites were slow, bloated and missed a major part of day trading which is splitting out the market segments properly (premarket, regular hours and after hours). I wanted something that was super fast and easy to see the different market segments. I'm an indie developer so made this with a one man team, let me know if you'd like to...

Stock and crypto news, prices and data analysis

SEO Tools for your website. 📊 Monitor (SEO Metrics, Reports, Keyword Rankings and Backlinks), ✏️ Edit (Search Appearance and Settings), 📈Improve (AB Tests) and ✉️ Share.

All in one SEO tool for your website

Andrew McKenzie
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Hi Product Hunt
Andy here 👋, I am the solo founder and bootstrapped engineer of Searchramen.
I am super happy to be launching Searchramen today, your All-In-One SEO Tool for websites. I’ve been building this full time for the last year while doing SEO consulting part time.
1. Monitor your Website Metrics. Includes all your top SEO metrics such as Rankings 1-3, 1-10, 1-20, 1-100,...

All in one SEO tool for your website