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Arun Prakash
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After Effects & Premiere Pro
What video editing software do you use?
Anil Matcha
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Arun Prakash
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It's always been inevitable that people can be manipulated. I'd say some people get smarter by consuming what they need, and others get manipulated by consuming not-so-good content which in-turn makes them dumb. Which also makes it harder for them to accept common facts. People also tend to express emotions un-censored on the internet as a coping behaviour which in-turn makes them toxic not...
Are we becoming smarter or dumber because of the Internet?
Umar Saleem
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Arun Prakash
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Super-Strength and Teleportation✋🏻
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Sahil Shah
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Arun Prakash
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Read news. I don't know why. But I power up my PC, Open browser, and Read 5-10 news articles before i start the work. It's a habit that I don't regret😄.
What is typically the first thing you do at the start of your workday?
Zhao Naomi
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Arun Prakash
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4 years.
How many years of experience did you have before starting your own business?
Shaur ul Asar
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Arun Prakash
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He's the only human with so much power in his hands. He can "send rockets to outer space other than the governments". I don't think such a man would be crazy. My thoughts are that he's the "ultimate human genius, who accomplished so many things that no one can ever dream of doing, that he conquered the world's richest title and the power to change the world". Rightfully so.
Is Elon Musk a genius or a crazy?
Cem Özçelik
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Arun Prakash
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Client satisfaction. As a designer who owns a design agency, I know this is the biggest challenge any designer could ever face. People are different, there are people who values the work we put in it, there are people who thinks designs come out of a button and more. Juggling through these clients takes more than just skillsets and knowledge, it takes the ability to persuade and a whole lot of...
What’s the biggest challenge in your industry?
Natia Kurdadze
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Arun Prakash
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"No risks, is No way to live".
I'd say taking calculated risks and enjoying life is better, than to be in the safest of places and regret every step of the way. So Co-Founder for me!
Stable employee or risky co-founder journey?
Serhii Uspenskyi
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Arun Prakash
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I'd say "Start now, Throw something and see what sticks, don't overthink it.. Don't waste the years to come."
If you could chat with your past self before your startup, what would you say?
Daniel S
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Arun Prakash
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I use and flaticon and that's it. Both are sleek and customizable
Where do you look for icons when designing a landing page?
Armin Li
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Arun Prakash
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Who is working on Saturday?! Raise your hand ✋
Samir Rashed
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Arun Prakash
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11-12 Hours give or take. It was 6 hours a day until I wanted to start my own company. Now it's a battle against my hobbies and work 😄.
How many hours do you work per day?
Artem Luko
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