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Hey PH,
This is Ara, Co-Founder of Seed, a microbiome company with the mission to set a new standard of scientific rigor and consumer education in the global probiotics industry. ‘Gut mania’ has put consumers around the world ahead of the science. Despite the ever-increasing number of probiotic supplements, foods, and beverages, consumers are confused about what they are, how they work, and...

Your daily probiotics + prebiotics for systemic health.

20+ clinically-validated probiotic strains + a new class of patented, plant-based prebiotics sourced from Indian pomegranate and Scandinavian chaga mushroom and pine bark. Developed for systemic benefits by Chief Scientist, Dr. Gregor Reid, chair of the UN/WHO Expert Panel that wrote the definition of 'probiotics'.

Your daily probiotics + prebiotics for systemic health.