GDPR checker is a curated list of vendor-submitted GDPR compliance statements and practices. It's a public-facing tool that's part of Siftery Track's SaaS vendor management solution.

A new awards ceremony recognizing the top-rated software vendors of the year. The winner for each category is determined as the vendor with the highest NPS out of the 3 vendors with the most votes in the category. Eligible voters are those who have signed up for Siftery with a valid company/corporate email address (e.g. not Gmail).

Securely sync your accounting, financial, or expense tracking systems. Track will automatically map your expenses to products and create a custom dashboard for you.
Get a monthly summary and timely alerts when new products are added, spend is unexpectedly high, or when renewals are coming up. Don't leave money on the table.

Concise and unbiased product reviews from influential founders, team leaders, and budget owners to help during the last mile of the software discovery process.