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I cannot believe this isn't already out there, we need this- especially in the time of COVID!
Medoptic from Immertec
Real-time surgical training in 3D VR

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Does this give you new gifs in your emails too?
Free Gmail eCards by cloudHQ
Free eCards created in Gmail. No ads, no spam folder. Only❤️

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Seems good to me, useful for busy people
Email Signature Generator by cloudHQ
Free email signatures with logo, video, social icons & more!

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Very cool, because it looks like a time saver for sure. Already a cloudhq user, so I doubly appreciate all the new features they continue to roll out.
Free Email Templates by cloudHQ
Copy any email you received as your own email template

Description: Imagine knowing about your great great great great grandparents childhood, preserved indefinitely within the blockchain. How exciting to actually know them, learn about them as actual people, not just ancestors from long ago.

Legacy Locket by Veritoken
Your Digital Legacy, Protected

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Are all the meals gluten free or is there a gluten free option?
Nomiku Sous Chef Meals
Wave connected meals in front of our machine & eat in 30 min

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Looks awesome! Would this work with my Roomba?
Sevenhugs Smart Remote
The first remote for everything in your home

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The layouts are really clean and will definitely lead to a stronger user experience for those who deploy it. Thanks for putting this together!

Messaging Design Kit for Sketch
Everything you need to design rich messaging experiences

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Any plans to branch out to Kanye, etc?

Bieber Bomb
Text bomb your friends random Justin Bieber lyrics

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I gave a gag gift similar to this once and they seemed hurt rather than laughing :(
Give them Coal
They've been naughty, give them coal for Christmas

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Awesome to see android included as well! Is this compatible with the Motorola Nexus 6?
Photojojo Iris Lens Series
Professional phone lenses for everyday photo makers

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I am going to pick this up as a gift for a girlfriend this Christmas. Looks like a fun read.

A Little Life
An epic about love + friendship in the 21st century

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I bought this book recently and the way it felt reading it was unlike others! It sounds weird, but it felt like I was gliding through a cool website almost. Anyway, I think anyone who works in customer service, user experience, design or sales / marketing must read this book. This is his best so far.

X: The Experience When Business Meets Design
The future of business lies in experience architecture

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What about turkey, jerky?

Jerky Crafting Kit
Make your own delicious jerky at home

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Isn't this a little inside baseball?

Friend Hunt
Get desktop notifications when your friends comment on PH

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Possibly silly question here - is this platform agnostic?
Mobile Wireframe Kit
Speed up app design with a beautiful kit of UI elements