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This sounds awesome. I'm away now to get it.

Faster access to your screenshots on Mac.

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@rrhoover hi Ryan, sorry I didn't know where else to leave this comment. I dunno if it's just me but adding comments to PH on the iOS app is really buggy and a PITA. Apart from it closing randomly (the text editor) there is also no "return" key to create a new line. Is this something that is recognised and being fixed?

Product Hunt for iOS
The best new products, every day, in your pocket

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At first I thought this was a bad idea. Then after looking at the site again I came around to it being really great. However I've landed on the fact that the letters your elderly relatives receive are not really any more meaningful or thoughtful than marketing spam. Just an automated collection of your social media posts. I feel like a better product would be one where the tech savvy youngster...

Automatically mail pics and messages to Grandma from your 📱

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This seems cool. I'm close to launching an MVP of my next product and was looking at using UserVoice, however I'm gonna give this a go.
Customer Feedback Portal 2.0
Ask customers what you should build next

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I may very well be an idiot but I've looked at that site and still don't really get what it is. Granted, I haven't watched the video, but should I have to?

Hub by Amazon
Receive packages from anyone, any time.

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It's great to see a "powered by AI" app that is legitimately incredible. Well done!

A magical photo editor powered by neural networks

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"It is common practice to subscribe to an app and have a free trial, once it expires then you're charged the fee." I'm sorry but this just isn't true. I try new apps and sites all the time, pretty much every day. I can't remember the last time I was asked to submit CC details upfront. It's the oldest trick in the book: "get the card details and hope they forget to cancel". It's an immediate...

Pocket Ariely
Make sense of life with Dan Ariely’s newest app

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Do this if you want no traffic to your site, ever. ✌️

Register an emoji domain name. Put emoji in your URL

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Just some feedback, I would lead with a clearer explanation of the business. I'm fairly switched on and clued up on all things technology, but I didn't know what ICO was or meant. When I figured it out, I became interested. I just didn't know the acronym ICO.
Token Data
Database with 300 ICO's and token returns

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Is this legal to use? How can I email someone from my business, with what will basically be a sales pitch, when they have never opted into being contacted?

Get automated leads from a database of 70 million people 📊

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This idea is hardly novel to Zuckerberg, however I get why you have based this idea around him.

Zuckerberg Shirt
It's grey and it always will be.

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Interesting that this has 264 upvotes but it’s at the bottom of the feed.

Incredible SEO powered with artificial intelligence

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When I see a tag line now that includes “powered by AI” or “powered by machine learning” etc etc I’m just like... whatever.

Incredible SEO powered with artificial intelligence

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I would have thought this company would have a domain hack domain. Like or something.

Create domain hacks for any word

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I like this kind of tool. Checking it out now.
Automated window management for Mac ✨

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I really like it but is there no way to have just a to do list? Does everything need to be a subset of a goal?
A smart to-do list and goal tracker app