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Victor David
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Congratulations on the launch Goutham. Upvoted. Looks like you've done a great job. All the best!
Highlight social media mentions as beautiful testimonials

Victor David
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The most important advice I'd give to someone of 20 years age would be not to take the advice of others.
By that I mean: learn from others; learn from those who have gone before you; learn from your surroundings, your schools, your friends, but ultimately follow your own heart.
Happy Birthday!
What would you advice to your 20-year-old self?
Martina Hackbartt
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Victor David
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Although I love music, I can't listen to it while I work. It gets in the way because I keep putting my head into the rhythm of the music instead of concentrating on what I'm working on.
On the road though, I get my groove going...
Music for work!
Tytti Sandström
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Victor David
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I've tried a few different tweet schedulers over the last couple of months and find ThreadStart to be great. A really good editor makes it stand out.
Have to say I haven't tried all the features yet, but I'm getting there, and I'm very impressed with the product. Great job Felix and all the best with the launch!
Write & schedule great Twitter threads with a rich editor

Victor David
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For me there's no reason to close off DMs on Twitter. I'm new and happy to connect with other people if they like.
Why your DMs are open on Twitter?
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Victor David
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I value various qualities in others; it's hard to narrow it down to just one.
Honesty, integrity and authenticity are at the top.
Quality you admire in people
Jaskiran Kaur
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Victor David
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Congrats Goutham on the launch! I've been using AstraMind and can say it's looking real good. Traveling still and not working right now but will get some AM updates going when I get back home. All the best to you!
Astramind for Makers
Build in public with other makers & create an audience

Victor David
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Hi Martina -
Seems to me that this time of year shouldn't be stressful, although I know it is for some.
Not for me. This time of year is fine, along with other times of the year.
That's not to say I don't get stressed-out sometimes. I do. That's when a walk in the hills above my house with my doggies is helpful. Also, music helps.
Does the "end-of-year stress" hit you? How do you cope with it?
Martina Hackbartt
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Victor David
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IH looks good. But I don't have an invite, so all I can do is lurk.
Who's on Indie Hacker?
Gab Bujold 💀
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Victor David
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The names given to days don't mean much to me. A day is another day and I'm thankful, by whatever name it's called.
If it's called Sunday and I want to work, that's fine. If it's called Monday and I don't want to work, that's fine too.
Of course, I don't have a regular type job. I used to and needed to pay attention to the names of days, but not now, not for a long time.
As a maker, what's the first thought that arises on Monday?
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Victor David
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My favorite plugin in my personal life is the coffee pot.
What is your favorite plugin in your personnal life ?
Paul-Henri Hersen
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Victor David
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Not me Max. Neither dark mode or light, no PH widget yet. Maybe later when I launch.
Anyone else getting this?
ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
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Victor David
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Task 1: Do not open Product Hunt and start browsing awesome discussions.... oops...
Task 2: Branch repo and start SEO improvements
First task on your todo-list Monday morning?
Eivind Håverstad
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Victor David
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I tend to go with top navigation, but I use products with both. As long as it's clear, I'm okay either way.
Sidebar v/s Top navigation
Anupama Panchal
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Victor David
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Not exactly a side project since it's my main project. But I don't have another job, if that's what having a side project means.
Anyway, I made very little progress this week. Was on the road most of the week and today I've been taking it easy.
Working on a side project? How much progress did you make this week?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Victor David
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I like to do some interaction in the morning with my coffee and maybe a bit in the evening, too. Like now. Schedule doesn't always work, though. For instance, when I'm on the road (like now) things get a little wacky.
How do you deal with content overflow from so many communities?
Tsz Hoi Lee
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Victor David
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Too many followers. By that, I mean social media tends to arrange itself in clumps of people who almost religiously follow a person - or a small group of persons - who have been anointed by the group as the sage(s) whose pronouncements are rarely questioned. Many give a nod to the idea of free thinking; they don't want it in the clique, however.
It's like people fail to see the irony of...
What don't you like about todays social media sites?
ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
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Victor David
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Hi Maria,
I'm rather new here myself and have discovered that the conversations are pretty awesome. I'm into tech stuff and music and growing some fruits and whatnot in my garden. Not going to plug the service I'm working on this time around; done my share lately and it's not hard to find if anyone is so inclined. Just wanted to say hi and welcome. Good place and people here.
An Introductory Session :)
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Victor David
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Morning Ed, push my button, would ya?
Morning Victor, coffee in each hand as usual, I see. What's up?
Building a service for people who want to make sure that vital info gets disclosed to their friends and family if they die or go missing somehow.
You mean like a digital dead man's switch?
Yeah, only instead of stopping the train if you keel over, we send info to your peoples.
Founders, explain the community what you building in using an elevator pitch?
Sharath Kuruganty
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