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    Streamline video collaboration workflow, no more email chains, share feedback efficiently— comment, annotate on the video.
    Streamline video proofing
    Streamline video proofing
    No more email chains, share comment & annotate on the video
    Build Notifier is a menubar application that gives you control over what CI information gets through. Check out more details at https://buildnotifier.app
    Build Notifier
    Build Notifier
    Instantly see your CI/CD results in your menubar
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    What should be the next CI service to integrate?
    Build Notifier
    Build Notifier
    Instantly see your CI/CD results in your menubar
    GeoForms helps you find the answers to questions that are location and route-based. At the same time, GeoForms makes it easy to export the results to GIS-tools like QGis and Kepler.gl for further fine-grained spatial analysis.
    Build your strategy on spatial insights
    Learning new technical skills is always challenging. Why not make it fun & efficient while at it? We offer free-to-use API's for your next learning project.
    ~We need your opinion!~
    School of IT-Wizardry
    School of IT-Wizardry
    Free API's for your learning projects