Rhythmeo is an app that's designed to improve your sense of rhythm. You can play through the preset levels, or customise the app to play your own patterns. You can also view your progress over time using our custom score system.

Ladder workouts enable you to do more work in less time, and make it feel easier as well. This app automatically calculates the amount of time you need to workout, rest, and the sets/reps scheme to enable you to reach your goals faster. If you want to try a new way to get fit, give the app a try!

Reflex trainer is designed to improve all of your different reflexes, depending on which ones you need the most help with.
Want to start a track race faster? Try auditory.
Want to be as quick as an F1 driver? Practice visual and tactile.
Want to react to Youtube scare pranks faster? Try visual and auditory.
Have fun training!

Memento Mori is a menu bar app that shows you your exact age and how it is constantly increasing. Or it can show how much time you have left.
It is a reminder of the finitude of one's time on this earth. It is a tool to create meaning and urgency. An encouragement to use your time to the fullest.
Use every second you get as well as you can. Go!

Paceroo improves the speed and quality of your runs and races. It calculates the optimal pace for the distance you want to run and lets you know in real time whether you are on pace, going too slow, or too fast. It also has a progress graph which shows your progress over time regardless of the distances you run. Higher score = faster you!

Memento Mori is an app meant to remind you to focus on the important things.
It is a reminder of the finitude of one's time on this earth. A tool to create meaning and urgency. An encouragement to use your time to the fullest.
Use every second you get as well as you can. Go!