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Anastacia Chichigina
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Hi! Thank you for this convenient service!
Could you please tell me, is there a way to notify people who made a Copy doc about the changes I made in the original doc, if I did not add their e-mail to the access rights?
I mean those users who accessed the link (Share -> Anyone with a link - >Can view or play)
Something like to send them push notifications or e-mails to inform them that...
Coda Automation
Put your small, important tasks on autopilot.

Anastacia Chichigina
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I would like to see how many people have made a Copy doc of my doc (some simple metrics) to understand how useful it is
Pros: Found out about thanks to the Makers Fest. The functionality is rich.
Cons: I would like more UI elements.

It's a new day for docs

Anastacia Chichigina
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Also I was a little bit confused by the difference of some elements on the desktop and in the mobile version. For example, the calendar on the desktop allows you to select the month and year, but in the mobile version month and year can not be selected.
Feedback about
Anastacia Chichigina
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Anastacia Chichigina
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@saumo_pal I am the person who need this app :) I tested it, wrote my comments on the product's page. On the desktop I had problems in step 2: the value I chose was not written to the final table. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong, I just clicked on the card to make it highlighted.
Coda powered CBT app
Saumo Pal
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Anastacia Chichigina
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SentiMeter sounds good :)
Pros: This app will be really useful for me!
Cons: Graphs: I'd like to compare stats not by hours, but by days. Can't understand exactly how to interpret Cognitive Bias Graph.

No-Code powered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on phone

Anastacia Chichigina
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I've tried several analytics gathering tools and I like Amplitude most of all. This tool fully covers my needs exactly as I would like.
Pros: It is felt that the authors themselves have used a lot of metric gathering services, so they fixed all the shortcomings
Cons: I would like to choose the period of data display right on the dashboard

Amplitude Mobile Analytics
Mobile analytics without worrying about data volume

Anastacia Chichigina
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@aaronoleary Could you please tell me if there is such thing as Release Build in Coda? Or the developer just shares a link to a document? I have an app where my data is given as an example. I would like each user to enter their own data into the app (using my template). Do I need to perfome additional actions as a Developer to make it work? Or is it enough to give them a link and they have to...
How is your build coming along?
Aaron O'Leary
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Anastacia Chichigina
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I have a meteopathy. But I can’t understand what are exactly weather conditions which my health depends on. Do I sleep well when it rains? Does a strong wind cause my headache, or does high humidity make it?
Of course I googled, but the information I found is quite general. I realized the same weather conditions affect people in different ways. With this app I hope to better understand my...

Explore your meteopathy

1) Predicts disease according to the weather forecast.
2) Helps you to understand how certain weather factors affect your health.
You'll be able to make plans focusing on the weather forecast and make efforts in advance to improve your state of health.

Explore your meteopathy

Anastacia Chichigina
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Hi and thanks for this exciting event! It's motivated me to start project wich I dreamed to start for a long time :)
Let me ask one question. I can't submit my project because "Link to Medium article" field is required. It was not mentioned in Submission Guidelines so I didn't make the article. There is an opportunity to submit project without article?
Welcome to Makers Festival, the "No Code Edition."
Emily Hodgins
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Anastacia Chichigina
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We had a joke in our team that customers think we're just waving a magic wand and the code starts to work. And now it is a reality! :)

Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit
Build a wand. Learn to code. Make magic.

Anastacia Chichigina
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Hi! I downloaded this app. I really like the smooth transitions between screens. It's cool that I can move the images inside the grid.
But an advertising is scared me! :)) I made the pictures and focus on this when suddenly the app start a video with sound. I think you need to do something with it - maybe put a counter like "3 seconds to launch video" or run the video on the button to "save"...

Collage Maker Plus Pic Effects
Create the best photo collage & apply awesome effects

Anastacia Chichigina
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Hi @grmmph ! I really like this useful service. This issue is close to me. I especially like this simple and clear UI.
It is strange that for hot weather the service offers me only dresses. It could also offer skirts, shorts, leggings or wide light summer pants.
It is great you distinguish between the actual temperature and the "feels like". But I can't get the state when these two measures...
Dress By Weather
Always know what to wear before you leave the house

Anastacia Chichigina
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Hi! I tried to use this bot and I think that video tutorial is too fast. I'm not a native English speaker so I can't understand it. It would be nice if the action in the video was slower. Another point is when I chose the thing and clicked "Buy" I see a page says "SOLD OUT". It would be great the bot shows me only the available items. But the idea is cool! The bot works quickly and recognizes...
FashionBot by GoFind.AI
Chatbot for fashion shopping with AI image search

Anastacia Chichigina
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I would like to be able to see fashion culture in particular country and in particular period. Or maybe this feature is already done but I can't find her?
We Wear Culture by Google
A searchable archive of 3,000 years of world fashion

Anastacia Chichigina
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I don't understand why there are no thousand votes?) To put the kit to assemble the camera itself is a very cool idea! We need to make such laboratory work in schools!

Bigshot Camera
The Experiential Camera: Build, Learn, Shoot

Anastacia Chichigina
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Hi! Your site is unavailable. Please tell us more details about the project. I am the target audience :)

Free eBook | Create A Beautiful Minimal Wardrobe For Women
DIY guide to build a minimal wardrobe for women