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Amy Jo Kim
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Do you want to build the right MVP - for the right people - in record time? Our 8-week Game Thinking Masterclass will walk you through a step-by-step system for building a product people love - and come back to, again and again.

Getting2Alpha Masterclass
Turn your BIG IDEA into a product people love

Getting2Alpha Masterclass
Turn your BIG IDEA into a product people love

Getting2Alpha - Paul Adams
The future of product design

Amy Jo Kim
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I'm excited to explore the next iteration of Mightbell and see how it can help my startup clients get their businesses off the ground. Congrats Gina & team!
Build a community and a business on mobile

Amy Jo Kim
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Thanks! It's a game-changer for the right startup teams - and works for teams located anywhere in the world.

MVP Design Club
VIP coaching for product teams

Amy Jo Kim
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We're kicking off this VIP coaching program TODAY - so excited to get our teams setup and running! We're sold out of early-bird slots - but we're taking teams through this week, so apply now if you're ready to dramatically accelerate your path to product/market fit with Game Thinking.

MVP Design Club
VIP coaching for product teams

Amy Jo Kim
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We've just released our NEW & IMPROVED personalized coaching program for ambitious product teams who want to innovate faster and smarter. For the right teams, this application-based program is a game changer. If you're ready to dramatically accelerate your path to product/market fit, check out the video, read through the webpage, and apply to join the Club.

MVP Design Club
VIP coaching for product teams

MVP Design Club
VIP coaching for product teams

Amy Jo Kim
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Hey folks - MVP Design Hacks has been re-born & re-branded as Getting2Alpha -- check it out here:

Game Thinking Masterclass
Turn your hot idea into a product people come back to

Amy Jo Kim
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thanks for the invite - glad to answer questions and discuss community-building

Community Building on the Web
Secret strategies for successful online communities

Community Building on the Web
Secret strategies for successful online communities

Amy Jo Kim
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"email continues to be a very effective least common denominator across diverse communities" ~ wise @bfeld soundbite

Startup Communities
How to build communities of entrepreneurs

Amy Jo Kim
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this looks fantastic! Can you share the URL and info about your Lean Product Development course? Who is it targeted at - students or working teams?

Transform Ideas Book
Step-by-step guide to go from idea to software product

Amy Jo Kim
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If anyone here on Product Hunt is interested in taking the program, I'm happy to give you a hefty discount code - email me for details -

Game Thinking Masterclass
Turn your hot idea into a product people come back to

Amy Jo Kim
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Hey Folks - I took your suggestions and updated - take a look! Feedback WELCOMED, LMK if you have further ideas.

Game Thinking Masterclass
Turn your hot idea into a product people come back to

Game Thinking Masterclass
Turn your hot idea into a product people come back to