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Radivision is an Entrepreneurship Network featuring Radical Visionaries in award-winning original series, an integrated community platform, and curated resources that support entrepreneurial success.

The "ESPN for Entrepreneurship" + community network

Alya Omar
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Wow I was literally thinking about how this would be a cool podcast idea approx. six minutes ago in the shower... can't wait to listen!

TLDRdaily with Matt and Co
5-min daily podcast where interesting people TLDR an article

Alya Omar
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Cool cool! How is this different from whenisgood?

Know when your squad is free

Alya Omar
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I was dreaming about an app like this as I was racing through SF trying to find Señor Sisig!! Excited to see this spread here to the west coast.

Street Food Mapper
A web app for searching food trucks in real-time.

Alya Omar
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Would you consider making these a little cuter? The facial expressions stress me out. Also, every single doll is white. You gotta add some color to the mix...

Mahinarium Selfie Dolls
Have a selfie doll made in your likeness

Alya Omar
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Man I loved your videos as a kid. And by that I mean still. Happy anniversary :)

Funny Ecards, Videos, & GIFs!

Alya Omar
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This is excellent! We've been using a gantt and a trello side by side and it has not been effective. Anything that closes tabs is naturally a godsend. Love it.

Elegantt for Trello
The most elegant way to manage your Trello projects

Alya Omar
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Excuse me!! Where is my favorite Hint blackberry flavor??

Hint Sunscreen
Sunscreen with a fruit-filling scent ☀️

Alya Omar
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The term 'smart' has definitely evolved to mean something more than just "reasonable" or "educating users." I was expecting this straw to have more technological capabilities besides putting water in my mouth.

ELO Smart Straw
The reusable smart straw alternative to plastic 🥤

Alya Omar
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Love you guys!! xoxoxo
Pros: Pretty interface, intuitive to use, let me watch Shrek when I was 3 continents away from my partner!
Cons: Doesn't work unless you have the same file saved for both computers. Frequent glitch where text doesn't go away. Uncompatible with Safari.

Long distance movie night

Alya Omar
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Date options are limited when you're 10,000 miles away. Gaze was my ultimate bookmark, so thanks for this!
Sometimes I would have issues where the text wouldn't disappear on the screen so it would just sit there for the whole movie unless I refreshed and reuploaded the film.
Note: doesn't work on Safari if you're an old school chump

Long distance movie night

Alya Omar
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This is hilarious. My thumb needs to get it together, we're talking free guac here.
Burrito Time
Daily burrito drops. First ten to open the app win!

Alya Omar
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Super interesting! It loads a bit slow for me when toggling between Regular and Browser options, but the finished product is awesome. Would love to see different background patterns and textures soon.
Instantly turn screenshots into beautiful images