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Alok Gangrade
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helping startup to discover online
How will you define your work in 5 words?
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Alok Gangrade
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Wow! Amazing! Congratulation @chaithanya_yambari & Zluri team.
It is a real problem face by most businesses to know about their SaaS apps stacks & usages. Thanks for building.
Platform to discover, manage and optimize SaaS applications

Alok Gangrade
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Congratulations @rachitpandey and team for building the product.

Inspect HTTP requests, compare them or mock response

Alok Gangrade
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Thanks for building @yashparallel
I will try few templates in my next campaign.
Cold Email Templates by Clientjoy
Battle tested 150 email templates for agencies & freelancers

Alok Gangrade
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Look like you have solved the problem of the most business owner, marketer & copywriters
This is amazing.
Thanks for building @nickduncan

Generate full blog posts at the click of a button

Alok Gangrade
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Here are few top recommended book that can help you to improve your copy writing.
The Halbert Copywriting Method Part III: Reveals the editing formulas and patterns found in the works of history's best copywriters.
The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: Legendary copywriter and ad man Joseph Sugarman provides proven guidelines and expert advice on what it takes to write copy...
What are your best tips on improving writing quality?
Tanoy Chowdhury
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Alok Gangrade
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This is something new in the email sending tool.
Thanks for building @olegcl
I can give it a try for my next outreach email campaign.
AI Sales Email Assistant by Reply
Generate human-like emails and follow-ups with GPT-3

Alok Gangrade
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That's great.
Definitely useful for the marketer & product owner.
50 steps to get your first 1,000 users
The 50 step growth guide

Alok Gangrade
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This is awesome @anthonycastrio
Thanks for building
100 in 100 Challenge
Get 100 new paid users in 100 days

Alok Gangrade
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I am seeing my 11 months baby to growing in front of me from her birth. I am spending lots of time with her because of WFH.
What is the good side of working remotely?
Vio from Selftalk
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Alok Gangrade
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First thing every professional & job seeker looking in career.
Thanks for building @cenedella

Leet Resumes
We write your professional resume for free, plus tips

Alok Gangrade
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This is really cool, Thanks @yucelfaruksahan!
Building a landing page is one of the essential element before to launch any campaign.

Landing Page Checklist
Build your landing page with these 100+ tools

Alok Gangrade
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Hey Guys,
This is our first hunt :-)
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Accounting at its Rough!

Accounting at its Rough!