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Meru Health Coaching is a personalized coaching program for stress, mild depression or anxiety symptoms. It is based on the Emotional Intelligence framework and combines chat-based coach and peer support, virtual workshops, and evidence-based digital content.

Meru Health Coaching
Emotional wellbeing coaching for improved resilience

Albert Nazander
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I found a PERFECT setup for having calls in a loud coffee shop without disturbing others and members on the call: I use Bose QC35 + Antilon Modmic Wireless + Krisp. Without Krisp, the background noise is still noticeable. Without quality mic (modmic), there is just too much noise for Krisp to produce any benefit. Thanks for making a great product!
Krisp Windows
Mute background noise during calls

Albert Nazander
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Good job, looking great! 🤩 Can we use it for non-U.S. hires?
The best way to evaluate talent

Meru Health is an online clinic for the modern age, relieving mental health issues and burnout.

Meru Health
An online medical clinic treating depression and burnout

A digital mindfulness coach for modern leaders