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Aliya Arman
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For a quick design, Canva otherwise Photoshop can make a post look so much more polished
What is your favourite graphic design tool?
Steven Birchall
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Aliya Arman
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AdBlock is a must!
Which Chrome Extensions can you not live without?
Brajendra Kumar
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Aliya Arman
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It depends on where the testimonial is coming from. I normally check back on the profile of the user to see whether they seem like they'd be authentic users and whether they normally give feedback.
How influenced are you by testimonials?
Steven Birchall
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Aliya Arman
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I find that keeping a checklist that sorts tasks between critical and non-critical is the easiest way to stay on track and to know what ones have hard deadlines
Do you prefer to plan out your entire day or take a more flexible approach? Why?
Inderpreet Singh
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Aliya Arman
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What is your favorite file transfer tool/product?
Mert Baser
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Aliya Arman
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Streamyard is great for livestreaming - you can share a link for guests to manually join to a private session or host it across multiple platforms on your social media accounts
What platform are you currently using to host and manage live webinars?
Soumitra Sengupta
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