Compare over 500 free and/or open source alternatives to big tech platforms.
Includes a comprehensive analysis of app privacy policies, source code and websites.
One of the biggest hurdles for newer devs in the open source space is submitting their first pull request. This repo will walk you through the process of officially becoming an open source contributor, all in under 5 minutes!
Get an insight into the inner-workings of a given website: uncover potential attack vectors, analyse server architecture, view security configurations, and learn what technologies a site is using.
Dashy is a self-hosted static web app, that helps you keep your projects, apps, bookmarks or running services organized and easily accessible. It's bundled with lots of handy features, multiple themes and options for customization.
Lets break free from the large data-hungry corporations who profit from collecting our personal data! This is a comprehensive list of alternative open source apps, software and services, that do not track you