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  • Alex Buran

    Alex Buran

    Teach your website to speak!
    8 points
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    Alex Buran
    Our user-friendly multilingual plugin seamlessly integrates with any website, allowing businesses to connect with customers worldwide effortlessly. Embrace diversity, expand your reach, and unlock new opportunities with ConveyThis!
    Unite Globally: ConveyThis - Your Multilingual Solution
    Alex Buran
    Free and Paid Options Available: $0.10 per minute (a 50% discount!)

    Transcribe and translate any audio or video file to text and download to any transcript format. Use our online editor to make changes. Powered by advanced AI.
    One-stop-shop for all video translation and transcription
    Alex Buran
    DocTranslator allows to translate any document into any language (over 100 of them!) It utilizes the latest technology of machine learning (AI) which produces human-like quality without incurring usual problems: expensive humans and slow turnarounds.
    Automatic translation of documents in 100+ languages
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    $8,000MRR Milestone🎉 - How We Did It?

    ConveyThis is unstoppable. We grew to become a $8,000 MRR website translation company. How did we do it? Here is the breakdown: https://www.conveythis.com/our-journey/8000-mrr-milestone/ Post your questions here.
    Alex Buran
    Make your website multilingual using ConveyThis. Translate your website within minutes in multiple languages. Reach a wider audience and increase your sales. No code required. Integrates easily to your website using a dedicated WP, Shopify, Wix and others.
    Translate Website, Boost Global Sales
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    $8,000 MRR Milestone: What's Next?

    ConveyThis is now a $8,000 MRR SaaS company. We’ve been working hard to achieve that level by building a great product that lots of people use. As you can see from the graph above, it is a rather slow growth. That’s due to the low base line. When you bootstrap the company, especially SAAS, your earning take a long time to start kicking in. The revenue is captured in small chunks over months,...
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    How We've got to 10,000 Users in 6 Months

    It's been over 6 months when we've launched a new Saas project. But little we anticipated, it's how quickly it would grow. To date, the service has signed up over 10,000 users and reach $1,000MRR. It's crazy. In this blog post, I wanted to share with you some of our tricks. https://gglot.com/how-weve-got-to-10000-users-in-6-months/ Have any questions? I am here to help!
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    We now have 400 paying subscribers! 🎉

    We're now on exactly 400 paying subscribers for ConveyThis! It took us 364 days to reach the first 100 subscribers, and we've now gone from 100 to 400 in 120 days. We went from 300 to 400 subscribers in 15 days. Crazy and unbelievable! Thank you all for your support! Here's what we added to the product over the last month: Better neural translation engine. We replaced the cheaper and...
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    We now have 400 paying subscribers! 🎉

    We're now on exactly 400 paying subscribers for ConveyThis! It took us 364 days to reach the first 100 subscribers, and we've now gone from 100 to 400 in 120 days. We went from 300 to 400 subscribers in 15 days. Crazy and unbelievable! Thank you all for your support! Here's what we added to the product over the last month: * Better neural translation engine. We replaced the cheaper and more...
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    GGLOT SaaS Startup hits $750+ MRR 📈

    6 months in, Gglot Transcription (gglot.com) is now on $750 MRR. We're a bootstrapped automatic transcription company that converts any audio and video file into text and helps Youtube influencers to the most SEO out of their videos with closed captions and subtitles. I am delighted that this community is maturing. Launched in the middle of global pandemic and NYC lockdown, the service was...
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    $100k ARR Milestone

    ConveyThis hit $100,000 ARR last week! It's a huge milestone for us 😊 * Launched just under 2 years ago * Fully bootstrapped, no money raised * Fully inhouse * No outbound sales * Team of 3 I'll probably write a blog post about it so let me know if there's something specific you'd want to hear about.
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    left a comment
    Free is always better, but won't get you anywhere.
    Ipatov Anton
    What is the best price for posting a job?
    +1 comment
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    New Milestone: $500 MRR!!!

    GGLOT is now transcribing 1M words for hundreds of users monthly. And has for the first time reached $500 in MRR. Yay! This milestone is important because we've launched gglot.com in the middle of COVID-19 lockdown in March. * $500 in MRR * 10 Languages translated - English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Dutch, Danish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Portuguese. * 1 Million...
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    left a comment
    Sounds good. Can I get a copy of it?
    SEO Marketing Hub
    SEO Marketing Hub
    Learn SEO for free
    Alex Buran
    Alex Buran
    started a discussion

    We've launched COVID-19 special and give away $1 to each new account.

    The transcription and translation service costs us money. Do you think it is a prudent long term strategy to give money away for free to new users? The service we've launched is audio and video transcription GGLOT: https://gglot.com/