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Alexander Semerenko
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Hi, we've first launched GastroCV more than a year ago, focusing on cooks and waiters. Since than more than 1400 users have used our chatbot. Today we support all occupations. Please try to create your own resume - takes only 5 mins, and comment how you like it. Resume is in Word format without watermarks. Cheers!

Create great resume in Messenger in few minutes for free

Do you want a better job? Start with a better resume.
Chat with GastroCV chatbot in Messenger to create great resume in 5 minutes for free.
Don't waste time on overdecorated templates. Our CV has clean format and structure, looks good on mobile too.

Create great resume in Messenger in few minutes for free

Alexander Semerenko
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Privacy policy template is very useful if you collect user's data.
Your complete guide to GDPR compliance

Alexander Semerenko
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Google maps recently made a totally awesome horizontal scroll. If you zoom out enough, try to scroll left or right. You will see that map moves like a globe. I don't get why there is no post on Google maps blog about it, to make developers proud.

Google Maps Timeline
Rediscover all places you've been by exploring your timeline

Dear arstists, photographers or just wanna-be-creative people like myself :-) An unique urban gallery starts now in London, everybody can take part in it. You can hang your artwork on London's citylights. Best artwork will win 10.000 £. 5 Category winners get 1000 £ each. And even voters can win luxury trip to NY for 2!✈️

The biggest urban art gallery and design contest 💲for everybody to participate.
Best art wins 10000£. Even voters can win trip to NY! is an app to ask experts. Enough googling. Enough forums. Enough facebook groups and Quora. Just ask experts. Those experts who you choose. 1 question, few options. Because you just want to hear if moving from England to Australia is a good idea from those who know. Welcome to
That answer you've been looking for.

Alexander Semerenko
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We've just released Lets Go Lunch Android app! Please try and let us know how you like it!

Let's Go Lunch
Social network for daily lunch at work

Alexander Semerenko
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Thanks all for your awesome support and trying out so far!
We are currently looking for investors, if interested, let me know.

Let's Go Lunch
Social network for daily lunch at work

Alexander Semerenko
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And here is a short video how it works:

Let's Go Lunch
Social network for daily lunch at work

Alexander Semerenko
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Hi hungry product hunters!
If you are working in a big office, you probably face "whom to join for lunch?" question daily. So we've made a new social network:
It is pretty simple to use and doesn't require registration:
1. Choose restaurant you like.
2. Send invitation link to colleagues.
3. After a lunch you will follow your colleagues, they will follow you. You will see,...

Let's Go Lunch
Social network for daily lunch at work

Let's Go Lunch is a social network for colleagues to organize daily lunch.

Let's Go Lunch
Social network for daily lunch at work