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Speed-up your Ionic app development by 80%. Design responsive apps based on the latest native Ionic components in minutes. Test layouts and set the styling. Free upgrades forever.

Ionic Adobe Xd
A smart Adobe XD design kit for ionic framework

Karmabot is a chat bot for better people culture and performance tracking: type '@user++' to give 1 karma. Applied to business chats the upvoting data provides valuable insights on team dynamics: good vibes for the team and performance reports for the managers
Karmabot Forever
A bot that helps you build better people culture

Speed-up your Ionic app development by 80%. Design responsive apps based on native Ionic 4 components in minutes. Test layouts and set the styling instantly in Sketch: WYSIWYG approach for mobile app design and development.
Ionic Sketch 4
Smart Sketch template for Ionic 4/3

PHBench is using machine emotional intelligence to measure products reception at ProductHunt. A bunch of strongly worded comments can bring a mammoth product down.

PH Bench
Product Hunt posts sentiment analysis

New Karmabot uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Machine Learning technologies to read, recognise and predict the reasons provided with your karma requests to create a profile for each team member.

Karmabot 2.0
Streamline your business on Slack