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Alex Miller
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Hey! I hope it's ok to share own product :) Neuton.AI
My team put much effort and creativity into this!
What are your fav products that you discovered in July?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Alex Miller
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Hey! You may check out Zopto, we sometimes use it for our marketing activities to promote our AI-based solution.
Good automation tool
Gustavo Woltmann
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Alex Miller
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Hey! Love your philosophy :)
I'd be glad to find out your feedback about our no-code platform, Neuton.AI
It enables users of any tech level to build accurate predictive models in several clicks, taking advantage of AI power and solving business challenges without any coding or special tech knowledge!
We've launched our product today so I'd appreciate if you check out our...
Share your product here to get support and feedback (August, 2021)
Ihor Shevkoplias
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Alex Miller
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Hey, thanks for bringing up this topic, facing this issue too..
How does a startup manage its Cloud/SaaS subscription expenses.
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Alex Miller
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Hey Blake! I wonder what you are thinking about AI implementation to enhance marketing strategies? Have you used any AI-based tools?
I'm Blake. I took Float to $14k before launch & gained 49k Twitter followers in 10 months. AMA!
Blake Emal
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Alex Miller
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To my mind, it is the case when AI can help. Once you've collected the info about your customers, you may use automated AI solutions to get accurate predictions and evaluate risks based on your customer data, and enhance your marketing strategy.
We've launched such a tool today, you may check us out if interested, we're in the top5 products of the day now :)
How to understand customer pain points?
Divya Rajendran
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Alex Miller
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Thanks for sharing! Having created a cloud-based AI platform, I imagine how frustrating the whole cloud optimization thing can be. BTW we've also launched today. Check us out in the top5 products of the day
How do you reduce your cloud costs?
Alexey Baikov
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Alex Miller
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Thanks for bringing this topic to discussion and sharing your experience! I believe that the launch on PH definitely worth it. We've launched our AI solution today and already experienced greater attention to our product and new subscribers.
Is launching on Product Hunt worth it?
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
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Alex Miller
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What an impressive journey you've made. No-code solutions are indeed booming nowadays! We've lauched our no-code ML tool today too, check it our if interested, we're in the top5 now
I’m Nik, I built a no-code hiring platform from $0 to $80K MRR and achieved 30% MoM. AMA!
Nik Shevchenko
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Explore data insights and make predictions leveraging Automated Artificial Intelligence.
• NO coding
• NO need for technical skills
• NO need for data science knowledge
No-code artificial intelligence for all

Alex Miller
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Hey, I’m Alex Miller, a Data Scientist at Neuton. 👋
I am happy to share what has occupied my mind for the last 2 years.
We strive to make our product very simple, while under the hood Neuton has a patented high-end technology.
💥 Our team of data scientists has created a unique neural network framework, Neuton, which is the “brain” of our platform. The framework is based on the...
No-code artificial intelligence for all

Neuton is an AutoML solution, empowering organizations to leverage Machine Learning in order to solve their business problems in just a few simple steps without any coding.
Neuton AutoML
Automated Machine Learning without any coding