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MagicTrips is simple: Just enter where you want to go and your trip preferences, and we'll generate a full itinerary for your trip!

Generate trip itineraries around your personal preferences

Alec Kretch
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As a travel enthusiast, for years my friends have come to me to help plan their trips. I would do deep dives into various destinations and highlight the top things for them to see, do, and eat, and organize a neat itinerary outline for them.
Working a full-time gig, it's become harder for me to dedicate the time to help my friends plan their ideal trips. But thanks to the power of LLMs, I...

Generate trip itineraries around your personal preferences

Alec Kretch
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After five years of leading OpenClass, we're excited to finally launch our first direct-to-learners product, MagicGuides.
The purpose of MagicGuides is simple: We want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to master any class.
The bottom line is that most learners don't study optimally. (Ever cram before an exam then forget everything immediately after?)
The research shows that...

Generate adaptive study guides to help you master any class allows learners to generate a full set of adaptive study guides around a syllabus to help them master any class.
Each study guide leverages validated learning principles, like spaced repetition, proven to optimize long-term learning outcomes.

Generate adaptive study guides to help you master any class

In traditional classes, it's impossible for educators to reach the unique needs of each of their students. OpenClass makes it easy for educators to build better assignments that leverage AI & best pedagogical practices to optimize learning outcomes.

Build better assignments