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Aldain Reid
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This takes the prize for the most awesome news for the month of August @rrhoover

Product Hunt LIVE 💬
Chat with some of the world’s most interesting makers

Aldain Reid
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@twholman @rrhover whoever came up with deserves a pulitzer or a nobel prize or some award.. seriously

The Useless Web
Take me somewhere...useless

Aldain Reid
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This is so sick. Best thing since sliced bread!

Simple menu bar clock replacement w/ calendar for your Mac

Aldain Reid
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@anujadhiya I would have to give this some careful thought and perhaps talk with @metakrystal on this. There are similar products on the market so an effort would need to be made identify the key differentiators and find a way to highlight these USPs and craft the messaging accordingly.

The travel app for singles

Aldain Reid
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Nice choice of name @metakrystal ! My only concern is that the use of the word 'singles' may create unwanted conversations about the notion of this being just another dating app; for compatible backpackers, looking for the next hookup. In developing V2 perhaps you could consider how to possibly sharpen the value proposition, in order to dismiss potential detractors.

The travel app for singles

Aldain Reid
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Kudos to @rrhoover the @producthunt team!

Product Hunt for iOS
The best new products, every day, in your pocket

Aldain Reid
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Seems like a massive undertaking that would require a huge inventory and heavy logistics support. Would love to see the business model.

Portable Phone Charger: Stay Charged Everywhere You Go

Aldain Reid
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As a Prezi user myself, this is a cool upgrade!

Presentation tool based on the power of CSS3

Aldain Reid
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Great idea @eugeneotto I just signed up for your service. Looking forward to see how this develops.

A Debit Card That Lets You Spend Digital Currency

Aldain Reid
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Ok.. well now Ive seen everything

Technology-free alternative to hand-to-phone contact

Aldain Reid
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There's something about this that just doesn't feel right. I can't seem to put my finger on it.

Anonymous calling app

Aldain Reid
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Now that Ive done mine, Im not sure what to with this new found info. BTW @rrhoover, you're officially superman!

The Inbox Checkup
Compare your inbox mastery with everyone else

Aldain Reid
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Awesome production from @lonelysandwich Great product

Heads-Up-Display. Feels like driving in the future.

Aldain Reid
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If nothing else, at least they found a pretty clever name

This laptop case doubles as a foot massager for long flights

Aldain Reid
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Oh that explains it. Thanks @willimholte

Make money when your car's idle (pre-launch)

Aldain Reid
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I would definitely work on the web design for this site. Great concept but lackluster execution of the web page.

Make money when your car's idle (pre-launch)

Aldain Reid
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Would've loved to see some games for the Android users among us.

List'em Up
Product Hunt for mobile games.

Aldain Reid
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Cool Concept. Eager to see how this develops. Perhaps it could be used as a law enforcement application. Anonymous tip line maybe?
Just say it. Send an anonymous email.

Aldain Reid
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@blendahtom you're right. Its early days yet, so as the campaign progresses we'll see how things evolve.

Selfie Beacon + Bluetooth Locator

Aldain Reid
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Great stuff @blendahtom Thanks @marcgayle, Any questions you have, let me know. Would be happy to share.

Selfie Beacon + Bluetooth Locator