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    Akshay Nathan
    Monolist is a global inbox for engineers:
    ✅ One list for all your work – tasks, message, pull requests
    🧠 Intelligent reminders when work is slipping through the cracks
    🗓 Time-block directly from the inbox
    🔍 Instantly search across all of your tools
    Tasks, pull requests, alerts, messages all in one place
    Akshay Nathan

    Monolist is a global inbox that aggregates your tasks across every tool into a single actionable list. Whether it’s merging a pull request, replying to an email, resolving a comment, or assigning an action item, you can take any action directly from Monolist.

    Everything you need to do, across every tool, in one place.
    Akshay Nathan

    Rendevu connects with your team’s core apps (GSuite, Trello, Figma, etc.) and brings all of your team’s discussion and action items from different apps into one intelligent feed. Conversely, all activity in Rendevu will synchronize to your other apps!

    A hub for your team that syncs with all of your apps.