Ajay Patel

Ajay Patel

Entrepreneur, Programmer, Artist
36 points
Preline UIVue CheatSheetFlyonUI
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Ajay Patel
Jetship Laravel SaaS Starter Kit PRO. The best Laravel SaaS Boilerplate for fast, & scalable web apps.
Ultimate Laravel starter kit for streamlined app development
Ajay Patel
FlyonUI is the easiest, free, and open-source Tailwind CSS components library with semantic classes. FlyonUI is designed to combine the best of both worlds: the aesthetic appeal of semantic classes and the powerful functionality of JS plugins.
The Easiest Tailwind CSS Components Library
Ajay Patel
Free & Open Source Vue Cheatsheet, aimed at a large community of Vue users who find it difficult to search for Vue, Vue Router, and Pinia. Wether you are starting a new project or working on existing one, this is the only cheatsheet you will ever need.
Vue CheatSheet
Vue CheatSheet
The ultimate Vue CheatSheet For Vue, Vue Router & Pinia
Ajay Patel
Ajay Patel
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The best masterpiece we have made πŸš€
Sneat Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template
Powerful & Comprehensive Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template
Ajay Patel
Sneat - Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template & UI-Kit is a developer-friendly, rich with features, highly customizable & easy to use Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Template with elegant design & unique layouts.
Sneat Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template
Powerful & Comprehensive Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template
Ajay Patel
Sneat - Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template & UI-Kit is an Open-source & easy to use 🀩 Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Template with elegant design & unique layouts. πŸŽ‰ The most Powerful & comprehensive Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Dashboard & UI-Kit.
Sneat Free Bootstrap Dashboard & UI-Kit
Open-source & easy to use 🀩 Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Template
Ajay Patel
The Most Powerful 😎 & Comprehensive Materio Vuetify Admin Template Built For Developers πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Based on Vuetify
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Composition API
πŸ‘‰πŸ» JWT Auth, ACL
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Internationalization/i18n & RTL Ready
Materio - Vuetify Vuejs Admin Template
Materio - Vuetify Vuejs Admin Template
Most Powerful & Elegant Material Design with Unique Layouts.
Ajay Patel
Hurray...!! πŸŽ‰
The Wait is finally over. πŸ₯³
Materio Free Vuetify Vuejs Admin Template is finally here.😎 It is the most developer-friendly & highly customizable open-source template based on Vuetify. πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»
Materio – Free Vuejs Admin Template πŸ₯³
Materio – Free Vuejs Admin Template πŸ₯³
Best Open-Source, Easy to Use VueJS Admin Template πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»
Ajay Patel
Design faster with a collection of prebuilt Figma components with powerful auto layout and resizing constraints. πŸš€
Free Sketch Bootstrap 5 UI Kit πŸš€
Design faster with collection of prebuilt Sketch components
Ajay Patel
Design faster with a collection of prebuilt Figma components with powerful auto layout and resizing constraints. πŸš€
Free Figma Bootstrap 5 UI Kit πŸš€
Design faster with a collection of prebuilt Figma components
Ajay Patel
Ajay Patel
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Amazing Avatar library, it's definitely useful for crafting applications.
Exemplar Free Avatar Library
Colorful, stylish avatar library for Figma and Sketch
Ajay Patel
It is an interactive list of Bootstrap 5 classes, variables and mixins.🎁 It helps your easily find the differences between Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5.🎊
Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet
Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet
The only Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet you will ever need.