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agilan sivakumaran
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I think my biggest mistake was not actually going for a true MVP and deploying that earlier, which would've led to attaining very key user feedback. Instead we waited for a more polished app before launching it, which delayed some useful user input which we believe are game changers.
What are some of the worst early stage mistakes you made while building your product?
Aaron O'Leary
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agilan sivakumaran
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Sorry is this community still active? Website seems to be down?

Maker Hunt
The knowledge-sharing community for Product Hunt makers

agilan sivakumaran
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Best advice I can remember receiving was, “Around here, we don’t ask for permission, we ask for forgiveness”.
Question of the week: What's the best career advice you ever received?
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agilan sivakumaran
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Ya was wondering this myself, for a software only smaller start-up. Came to the conclusion that for now best option for us personally is to look at co-working spaces, or to try to rent out a non-traditional office space, like a basement or a garage is always an option (abiding by local laws of course).
Should I invest in office space for my early stage of startup?
Mahesh Shrestha
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agilan sivakumaran
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Hi fellow hunters & friends!
It started as a simple idea: What if on a whim you can rent anything you need, just for the moment. Enjoy the simple moments in life and get what you want, whether it’s for an outdoor activity, partying with friends, to do a chore, or simply just because you can. AJ and I (Agilan :) ) are bringing our passion and many years of experience in tech world working...

Post · Earn · Play

Doohickey is an app that allow users to post and rent out their unused items to make easy money. As their items generate revenue, they can track their items at any time or place. They can also affordably and conveniently rent other items from our community.

Post · Earn · Play