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  • Adrian Matei

    Adrian Matei

    Software engineer
    6 points
    All activity
    Adrian Matei
    Select code snippet on web page and right click to save it to Bookmarks.dev
    You need to have a valid account. If you are not allowed to use browser extensions, use our bookmarklet to achieve the same result - https://www.bookmarks.dev/howto/bookmarklets
    Save code to Bookmarks.dev extension
    Save code to Bookmarks.dev extension
    Easy save code snippets from web pages to Bookmarks.dev
    Adrian Matei
    Open source webapp, to help you save and nerves time when managing your dev bookmarks and code snippets (aka codelets) - created especially for Developers & Co.
    Bookmarks and Code Snippets Manager for Developers & Co
    Adrian Matei

    Codingmarks enables you to organize and quickly access your favorite programming bookmarks. The ones you choose to make public will be shared with everybody and can be rated.

    Collection of (cu)rated coding bookmarks