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Integrately 2.0 helps non-techies integrate their apps and automate their processes in 1 click. To make this possible, we have created over 8 Million ready automations! And are constantly adding more.
So all you need to do is activate your automation.
Integrately (Zapier Alternative)
8 million+ ready automations for 500+ apps

Abhishek A Agrawal
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Hey Hunters! π
Thanks for checking out Integrately.
It is built by the team behind CompanyHub CRM. And the idea came from our customers.
CompanyHub didn't have native integrations. We would recommend customers to use Zapier. But they would often come back to us and say that it was too complicated for them. So the idea of an "easy integration platform for non-techies" was born.
I saw...
Integrately (Zapier Alternative)
8 million+ ready automations for 500+ apps

Search From Millions Of Fully Ready Integrations, And Activate Them In 1 Click. The Easiest & Cost Effective Automation Platform You Need to Perform any kind of sales, marketing, leads emails, invoices.
With Support over 500+ apps and countless functionality

Integrately -1 Click integration
1 Click Integrations For Non-Techies

Abhishek A Agrawal
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Hi everyone! π
First off, big thanks to @kwdinc for hunting us! π
We're super excited to put UTrons in your hands after more than an year of hard work! Its a real game changer for sales teams.
What is UTron?
UTron is like a visual programming language for business people so they can create their own sales bots and automate anything. Some examples of things that can be automated:
UTrons Sales Bots
Sales bots to automate your growth π€π€

UTrons are really powerful sales bots. By creating UTrons, you can automate lot of unproductive things that consume time of your sales people. So they can focus on what really matters.
You can automate things like
- Nurturing leads
- Sending reminders to clients
- Alerts / notifications / reminders to sales people
- Creating tasks for sales people
- Alerting / Notifying managers
- Minimizing data entry
- Creating your own business rules
And lots more.
UTrons Sales Bots
Sales bots to automate your growth π€π€

Abhishek A Agrawal
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Hey Hunters,
Thanks to your feedback, we found the biggest problem with CRMs - they are time consuming! So sales people don't like to update CRM and go back to excel
So we have fixed this. We modified CompanyHub and made it as quick as Excel. Just like excel, you can add new leads, modify existing ones, add notes, conversations, tasks - all from one place.
We added following things since...
CompanyHub CRM 2.0
Doesn't take more time than excel.

CompanyHub CRM 2.0
Doesn't take more time than excel.

Abhishek A Agrawal
left a comment
Huge thanks to Kevin for hunting us!
We built CompanyHub because we wanted a CRM that would have customizability and reporting like Salesforce, but be very easy to use and affordable. It lets you create custom fields, tables, reports etc with just drag n drop. It also provides followup suggestions, email tracking from gmail, deal pipeline, bulk mail etc.
We will also be adding coding...

All-in-one CRM with powerful reporting & fully customizable.

All-in-one CRM with powerful reporting & fully customizable.