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Abel G. weldu
Hover to view a link: Whether you are scrolling through a social media newsfeed, an e-commerce catalog, or even a mere link you have received, Hover lets you view the content of the link without leaving your current tab.
Hover: don't open new tab for every link
Hover: don't open new tab for every link
Easiest way to view links without leaving your current tab.
Abel G. weldu
Hire individuals from our talent pool at competitive pricing to join your team either remotely or in-house.
Best of African talent
Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
started a discussion

Would anyone be interested in hunting this product? Download and try it. ;)
Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
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Nope, Still would love to get an invitation to the platform though.
Anna Mandziuk ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ
Are you active on Indie Hackers?
Anna Mandziuk ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ
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Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
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I would also love to have some tips on the launch.
Abel G. weldu
Would you use this Chrome extension? What can we do to make it better?
Abel G. weldu
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Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
started a discussion

Would you use this Chrome extension? What can we do to make it better?

We are currently about to roll out a chrome extension we have been working on. Brutally honest Feedbacks are appreciated.
Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
started a discussion

How would you make Product Hunt better as a product?

If you were in charge of PH, how would you make it a better product for users? Features, Any user acquisition strategy, monetization. Let's make PH great.
Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
left a comment
Agreed. One of my friends refers to the platform as "Instagram for ugly people with good salary'.
Benoit Chambon
Don't you feel that LinkedIn is becoming kind of a new Facebook?
Benoit Chambon
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Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
started a discussion

Which Logo concept do you prefer?

We are currently working on finalizing a chrome extension that leverages the 'hover' functionality. which of these logo designs do you think would be the right fit for the product? Feel free to give us your brutally honest feedback.
Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
started a discussion

What is the one feature you would add on your favorite mainstream product?

Any feature that you think would be a game-changer to any mainstream product(Facebook, Google, Spotify...)
Abel G. weldu
Abel G. weldu
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I will start with mine. A friend of mine wanted to build a "craigslist for fight club".
Abel G. weldu
What is the stupidest product idea you have ever had/heard?
Abel G. weldu
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