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Aaron Lumsden
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Hi Product Hunters,
Today I'm pleased to announce the launch of my AI gift service
We use the latest AI technology as well as digital artists to retouch and restore old memories.
If you've got any questions about this service then please feel free to fire them my way.

Yesterday Gift AI
Bring old memories back to life using AI!

We restore and enhance your old black-and-white photos bringing them back to life in full high-resolution color using the latest digital retouching techniques

Yesterday Gift AI
Bring old memories back to life using AI!

Flickass provides high-quality video editing for a fixed monthly fee by qualified, approved editors.
High quality video editing for a fixed monthly fee

Aaron Lumsden
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š Hi ProductHunters,
ššš Today we're excited to announce the launch of Flickass. A service that provides high-quality video editing for a fixed monthly fee.
There's no question that video content is in high demand right now but the problem is that producing high-quality video content is time-consuming and takes you away from doing what you do best which is running your startup.
High quality video editing for a fixed monthly fee

Code Videos is a platform to help learning to code easy.

Videos to improve your web development skills

Aaron Lumsden
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Nice and clean design with the site however I can't see or understand how it saves much more time than embedding a google web font. Import the script and then declare it in your stylesheet. They both seem to work the same. Maybe Im missing the point. Well done on launching though :-)
Extremely simple CSS font embedding

Aaron Lumsden
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Just ordered mine. Cool little website and perfect for a Christmas gift

Facebook Friend Book
All the moments of you & your friend in one click photo book

Aaron Lumsden
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Hey nice work. Its good to read about the history of companies. I've just noticed the share URL's for each timeline don't seem to be working on the social sharing buttons. Great job though. Im looking forward to the future of this project.
Interactive timelines of well-known companies

Aaron Lumsden
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I think it would be quite useful in the admin interface to have direct links to the api endpoint on each specific "single item" or "collection".

A modern API based content management platform

Aaron Lumsden
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Wish I had this when Brexit was taking place in the UK. It's all people were talking about on Facebook

Facebook Politics Filter
Remove all politics from Facebook

Aaron Lumsden
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Hi, Aaron here founder of jQuery Cards. Today we're excited to announce our first e-learning course. This 10 week course will teach you everything you need to know to learn JQuery plugin development. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them

jQuery Plugin Development Course from jQuery Cards
Learn jQuery plugin development in 10 weeks

jQuery Plugin Development Course from jQuery Cards
Learn jQuery plugin development in 10 weeks

Aaron Lumsden
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Cool idea. It's nice to see how some of these sites start out. Interesting site!

UX Timeline
See how some of today's best companies have evolved

Aaron Lumsden
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I'm the creator of jQuery Cards. If anyone has any questions, then please feel free to ask

jQuery Cards
Curated repository of over 1000 quality jQuery plugins

jQuery Cards
Curated repository of over 1000 quality jQuery plugins

Aaron Lumsden
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$9.99 price tag? Is that not just praying on peoples vulnerabilities?

Lucky Cactus
Tap the cactus for good luck

Aaron Lumsden
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Hey Adam, thanks for the feedback. Hmm, not sure why this is happening. I'll take a look.
House Party FM
24/7 TV radio station of uplifting summer house music

House Party FM
24/7 TV radio station of uplifting summer house music

Aaron Lumsden
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I really like this app. The UX is indeed well cool!

Soundcloud Wall
Discover new music faster