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Andrew Hitti
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Why would I use this over tableau?

Automatically discover meaningful patterns in sales data

Andrew Hitti
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Can I get "I will remember you" as soundtrack to all my videos??
Record your face into movie clips

Andrew Hitti
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So cool! 🤖🤖

Dexter 2.0
All the tools you need to build a successful bot

Photo messages that can't be missed

Worldview: Share Amazing Moments, Travel the World
You've never had an app experience like this one

Andrew Hitti
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Long story short, we made photos as big and beautiful as they can be on mobile.

Your window to the world.

Your window to the world.

Andrew Hitti
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We use Mave in @nibbly_! It's great to know a team of smart people are just focused on invite optimization so we can focus on the other parts of our product.

Drop-in viral invite page w/ suggested contacts, in your app

Tinder for food in your area