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Phil Pluckthun
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I've been following Prisma from the early days and their journey has been amazing; seeing Prisma ORM feels like a natural conclusion to this journey, ending up at a nice balance where they're maximising the number of people they can reach & help and still stay true to the tech they care about.
The Prisma ORM has been evolving with features very quickly and has become a go to tool in a...
Prisma ORM
Next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript

Phil Pluckthun
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The idea is simple but powerful: If you meet someone at a meetup or conference it's always fun to connect with them on social media, e.g. Twitter, but then you miss out on being able to DM them anywhere else unless you ask them what chats they use.
Pros: - Awesome and simple design
- Discover nearby people
- Easy editing and nice shortcuts
Cons: - Discovery via social media would be nice

Contacts reimagined as a social network ✨

Phil Pluckthun
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Hiya, There are many coding fonts out there, but before you judge it too quickly, let me tell you the story of how “Dank Mono” came to be.
There a lot of coding fonts out there that focus on rendering well at a wide range of font sizes. But when I previously used some of them, none were as beautiful as some display fonts out there. I really wanted a coding font that is designed with aesthetics...

Dank Mono
The rather special coding font

Dank Mono is the coding font you want. Designed for aesthetes with code and Retina displays in mind. Delightful ligatures and an italic variant.

Dank Mono
The rather special coding font

Phil Pluckthun
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I've been using Now for a while and it's one of the greatest Ops/Devops products I've ever used! It makes it simple to deploy an app not having to worry about it scaling up or down. Buying domains through the CLI is just a seamless, while it still allows for DNS record changes
Pros: Easy Docker / Node / Static Deployments, Pretty much instant, Auto Scaling is great
Cons: Maybe not as fast as...

Instant serverless Node.JS deployments with an API.

Phil Pluckthun
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I've been with Starling as my main account since May 2017 and I've never looked back! Fully jumping onto a modern bank account compared to one from a “traditional” company has been a breeze! Transactions go through immediately, notifications are amazing, spending breakdowns, name it!
Pros: Great UI, Comprehensive Overview over Spending, Frequent new features
Cons: Looking at Monzo,...
Starling Bank
The mobile only bank account 💸

Phil Pluckthun
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"There" as a new app is nice to look at and really helped me almost immediately to have an overview of the team I'm part of, which is partly based in the US and partly in the UK. It's easy to lose track of who lives where and what their local time is, but a simple address-book-like app as There can really improve how I can collaborate and work with them.
Pros: Beautiful design & easy to get...

Never think of timezones again!