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Mitchell Porter
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Thanks again to Robleh for hunting us. Kori originally had an idea for this about a year ago and when he first told me about it I thought it was one of the most unique and cool ideas I had ever heard. We knew we would build it one day, but a few months ago the timing had never felt better with the way everything is going on in the world right now. We thought now was the perfect time to have an...

Anonymous live video

Anonymous live video

Dusk is anonymous live streaming

Quick Math
Perfect for students to improve their math abilities

Mitchell Porter
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Hey guys,
Really excited to be on producthunt again with our new app Banana. We wanted to build something that you could use with your friends and family to simply have a good time and laugh.
Would love to hear what you think, any feedback always appreciated. If you have any questions feel free to ask, and if you'd like to come and chat with us and other Banana users we have a Slack channel:...
Banana 🍌
Share funny selfie videos & photos with friends

Banana 🍌
Share funny selfie videos & photos with friends

Mitchell Porter
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Words cannot describe how excited I am to try this out! I've been using Spark since Mailbox shut down and I'm not a fan of the design at all. It feels hard on my eyes, and reminds me of an Android app aka ugly. I just took a look at your site and App Store screenshots and the app looks simple and beautiful. Congrats on your limited launch and I can't wait to try this out.

Polymail iOS
Simple, beautiful, powerful email for iOS

Mitchell Porter
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The only problem with this is even if you have a minor fall you're going to look like a total dork when your headbag deploys.

An airbag helmet for cyclers

Founderfox 2.0
Pitch your startup to the world

Mitchell Porter
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First off, thanks to Josue for hunting us.
We're very excited to share Founderfox with you guys. We felt like there was a need for a simple way for founders to pitch their products, and also instantly connect them with potential VC's and Angels.
Video is such a great medium, and everyone can get a "feel" for the founders and what they're like. Video will also make it easy for investors to...

Video-pitch your startup to VCs & angels

Video-pitch your startup to VCs & angels