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Amit Bajaj
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You have spoilt me. I can never go back to a normal Slack again! This is gorgeous!

Apply a dark theme to Slack for Mac ⚫️ ✨

Amit Bajaj
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I absolutely love this. Just downloaded it yesterday, hooked in 14 of my most used services and I'm away with this one app and Safari running on my Mac. It's brilliant. Quick question for the founders though - is there a keyboard shortcut to help me switch apps, or at least activate the search field so I can type and switch apps easily?
One app to rule them all

Amit Bajaj
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Fantastic idea and it's an app that's crafted beautifully! Having just moved to Singapore, I can't wait for you to bring this here!

Find great desks. Book a ride. Do what you do best.

Amit Bajaj
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This is one of my favourite Mac utility apps. We all have those old portable hard drives from our (dark) Windows days and whenever you plug it into your Mac, you can't write to it (unless you format it). If you don't want to actually format the hard drive and actually make use of the multiple portable hard drives laying around the house, get this utility as it will allow you to fully write...

Tuxera NTFS
Write to your old Windows-formatted harddrives from your Mac

Tuxera NTFS
Write to your old Windows-formatted harddrives from your Mac

Amit Bajaj
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Shift is absolutely fantastic. I'm on the free version right now to try it out but I already love it - because on a daily basis, I switch between multiple Gmail accounts. I did want to ask though if there's any way to get Boomerang to still work within Shift? I know that's a Chrome extension but was just wondering if there would be a possible way?

Shift is the productivity tool missing from your workday.

Amit Bajaj
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I can't believe I'm just coming across this app now. It's just brilliant and I've added in Whatsapp, Telegram, Skype, Slack, LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger and Facebook Pages. I'm a big user of Allo and although that doesn't have a web client just yet (I'm hoping it does soon), please can we add that in the moment it's ready? :) Also, it would be fantastic if we could have iMessage (not sure if...

Franz 2.0
Desktop app for Slack, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Messenger

Amit Bajaj
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I absolutely love this app. It's so beautiful, with great wallpapers and no fancy buttons or bars. It's perfect.

Full screen photos from Unsplash for your iPhone

Amit Bajaj
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This is a fantastic app. Honestly, I downloaded it and it does exactly what I want - especially with the madness of what's happening with the EU and UK (where I'm from), I have to keep track of many currencies to see where exactly my money is going internationally when I buy something, so this app is perfect. While it's under development and a version 1, it's fantastically implemented. I have...

Beautiful currency client designed for OS X EL Capitan

Amit Bajaj
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Hey Varun, this is such a fantastic app. It's clean, beautifully designed and in the testing over the last few days, I'm loving it. It summarises the articles so well and I'm already saving a ton of time. I'd love to be a beta tester for this as well. I also just had a few thoughts on the app. As someone mentioned above, having Pocket integration would be amazing. If we can choose our own...

Summarized news in your pocket

Amit Bajaj
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This is brilliant. It's so simple to bring up the collaborations and I could see this being really useful. I'm in a bit of a limbo right now with notes. I use from Apple, but it's limited in that it doesn't share notes, so I'm using OneNote in my office but the interface isn't great.. Canvas could actually really be a genuine replacement for me. Great job team!
Notes for teams of nerds