LOVE this - I'm especially such a fan of the podcast including three versions transcript + key takeaways + audio, which not only makes the entire experience way more accessible, but also for different learning preferences / dispositions.
Question: I love being able to pick how long the podcast is - curious what's 'left out' when the podcast is shorter. Is the content just more high-level, or does it just focus on a salient aspect of the topic?
Suggestion: I'm curious if you've considered doing podcast series - content breakdown into sections. I.e., if the topic is quite broad, the user might be able to select how many sections they'd like the content broken down into / time for the sections, and that way the content could almost be more 'modular' / buildable.
I'm also interested to see what the social curation will look like. I'd love to be able to ask questions too and for community-moderated experts to be able to answer, and/or to be pointed to a 'follow-up' podcast that might further my learning.
All in all, I'm so excited for what y'all are building!!! I wish I had this option in school, and would've loved this as supplemental learning about topics I was more curious about or didn't feel like I fully understood in a traditional classroom setting.