

An open-source programming language by Apple
3 reviews35 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Sugar Free: Food Scanner
Garen Orchyan
used this to buildSugar Free: Food ScannerSugar Free: Food Scanner
(2,388 points)
We use Swift for our iOS app because it offers fast performance, strong safety features, and seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem.
Frank Chen
used this to buildBookReadBookRead
(372 points)
Swift is a cool language.
Matthew Podolak
used this to buildLingocatLingocat
(392 points)
Swift is perfect for building a native iOS app, it makes it easier to integrate with iOS APIs and the bulletproof Swift UI gives the app a nice UI that's quite extensible.
used this to buildTypoTab TypoTab
(130 points)
I like Swift because it's super easy to get started with for developing apps in the Apple ecosystem. TypoTab is the first app I've ever made, and starting out in Swift was super easy. I'm not sure if there are alternatives for making a menu bar application for macOS, but regardless, I did not look elsewhere.
Browsly: Open Link for Chrome
Aditi Vanjani
used this to buildBrowslyBrowsly: Open Link for Chrome
(67 points)
Swift is the backbone of Browsly’s development, providing an exceptional balance of performance, safety, and ease of use for macOS applications. As Apple’s primary programming language, Swift ensures that Browsly runs smoothly and efficiently on macOS, with tight integration into the ecosystem. This native language helps deliver a high-quality, fast, and responsive user experience.
Jose Del Pino
used this to buildYumboxYumbox
(89 points)
A completely native taking advantage of native performant APIs
Vitaliy Ivanyshyn
used this to buildHubmeeHubmee
(636 points)
High-performance language with strong safety features and seamless integration with existing Objective-C code, ideal for iOS development.
SelfieStory: Picture Everyday
Rohil Agarwal
used this to buildSelfieStorySelfieStory: Picture Everyday
(219 points)
SwiftUI made it possible to create an intuitive and visually engaging interface for SelfieStory. Its declarative syntax streamlined development and allowed me to focus on delivering a seamless user experience.
Junho Cho
used this to buildCelestoriaCelestoria
(53 points)
Developing Celestoria
Tab Finder
Oleh Kopyl
used this to buildTab FinderTab Finder
(56 points)
Made it in a native macOS way
Cookies by Waffle
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
used this to buildCookies by WaffleCookies by Waffle
(87 points)
Pragmatic and easier to use than Objective-C.
Eren Berkay Dinç
used this to buildSubTracky
(365 points)
Big shoutout to Swift for making app development seamless and efficient! 🚀📱
Josh Nies
used this to buildVelaVela
(74 points)
The speed and overall design of Swift enabled me to deliver a beautiful, native application for macOS.
Guido Rus
used this to buildRemtolocRemtoloc
(95 points)
Remtoloc was written in Swift
Eric Davich
used this to buildJammyJammy
(140 points)
powers the core app experience for iOS users
Guess World Flags
Eren Berkay Dinç
used this to buildGuess World FlagsGuess World Flags
(325 points)
Big shoutout to Swift for making app development seamless and efficient! 🚀📱
Thor Martin
used this to buildMaiaMaia
(71 points)
SwiftUI's declarative approach and native performance were crucial for creating Maia's seamless experience. It enabled us to build a fluid, responsive interface that stays out of the way during those precious feeding moments.
used this to buildDoneit 2.8Doneit
(163 points)
Thank you so much to Swift for making Doneit possible!
used this to buildSkipSkip
(167 points)
Skip is based on Swift, the fast and modern programming language that powers iPhone applications. With Skip, you use a single Swift codebase to create apps for both iOS and Android.
used this to buildCreativit 1.2Creativit
(129 points)
Thank you so much to Swift for making Creativit possible!