Magnificent job on your extraordinary product launch on Product Hunt! Your revolutionary offering has stolen the spotlight, leaving users awestruck with its ingenious features and unparalleled quality.
Keep it up
I’m impressed. The ability to create custom mobile apps without any coding experience is a game changer for small business owners and non-technical individuals. @_bassamtarek congrats on the launch
Hey guys, first of all, congrats on your launch! It looks like an interesting idea, however, I don't really get the difference between you and guys like Adalo, Glide, etc. Maybe you have some free trial to test your builder before purchase?
Launching my own e-commerce app has always been a dream and I was so excited when I found Stacks because it offered some amazing features while being very user-friendly for those who are not coding-inclined. I am really excited for the Shopify feature to launch because I am shifting my website away from Woocommerce. I look forward to growing with Stacks :)