I was very impressed when I found it.
In today's world, information is divided into small pieces for the Web, PDF, Markdown, and YouTube, and you have to search for it in each tool.
I was impressed that saner.ai answers questions based on my own knowledge through Skai. At the same time, I think it would be great if I could save all the information I come across in saner.ai and use Skai as my personal secretary.
However, at present there are few ways to imput information, and I prefer to post information using IFTTT or RestAPI, so I look forward to this in the future.
I also don't mind paying for it, so I would be happy if the capacity per file was increased. If I try to place e-books as knowledge and have Skai search for them, 10MB is not enough, so I have to go through the trouble of splitting the books up for saner.ai. How about a limit of 10GB of attachments per account (expandable at additional cost)?
Also, since I mainly use Japanese, I would not be able to live without it if Skai responded in Japanese.