I have been enthusiastically using Sanebox for many years because of its outstanding features. In the past, one would have deleted their email and started over again because the junk email gets so bad. Sanebox has allowed me to keep my same email address for years. I can manage thousands of emails with little effort on my part.
Sanebox. has a lot of unique features. There are, however, a few key ones that pop up as favorites to me. One is the ability to sort and clean up mail automatically. There are those things that I am interested in but are not necessarily essential. I don't want to unsubscribe, but I don't have the time to keep up with and delete old ones. For example, I like to subscribe to retail stores and places to eat because they offer promotions and coupons. However, I don't have time to look at all their emails to see what is available and current. Sanebox puts them in a folder for me and deletes them when they are older than two weeks. Then, I always have the latest info/promos, and I don't have to do anything to maintain them. When I need a coupon, I see what is available in my retail folder.
This time, the delete feature is another reason I love the SaneBox application. When I started with SaneBox, they did not have that function. I did write to ask if that could be included. I suppose enough people requested it over time, and it was eventually added. As a company, they constantly respond to feedback and improve the product. As the email problem grows, so do their solutions. They have always been helpful and generous when I call in for customer support.
Another added feature was the Blackhole, which is nothing short of amazing. I have had my email address for so long that it has gotten out to more places than I would like and has generated tons of unwanted emails. And nowadays, email hackers are cranking out massive amounts of emails to try to phish for info. Even with a new email address, It does not take long to start getting junk. If I get an email from someone (or something) I don't want, I drag it into the blackhole folder, and it remembers that email and any future correspondence from that email is gone forever.
In a perfect world, I could maintain a zero inbox, but my current occupation limits email time. If I did not have SaneBox, I would be drowning in email. When time permits, I love to go into the application and update my rules and folders to improve my email management. Sanebox has been a big part of helping me to understand how to think about email. And while I cannot always keep inbox zero, I can keep from drowning only because SaneBox's easy email management has made it possible for me. Thank you, Sanebox!!