

Polyglot observability for Logs, Metrics and Traces
19 reviews

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What do people think of qryn?

The community submitted 19 reviews to tell us what they like about qryn, what qryn can do better, and more.

5/5All time (19 reviews)
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Dot Slash
1 review
Observability has never been simpler. While native Grafana's connections to various sources can be difficult to manage, Qryn provides a significant advantage in this aspect.
3 reviews
It fills an important need to have a simple to run, simple to maintain solution for the observability space using clickhouse
Oriol Castro
1 review
One product to unite all your logs no matter where they come from ✨
Giordano Piazza
1 review
qryn is incredibly easy to use!
Alexandr Dubovikov
1 review
Super excited!
Bilal Rao
1 review
Michele Campus
1 review
Love using this new product. Qryn seems to be exactly what every company needs to keep track of logs! Awesome!
Владимир Акчурин
1 review
Great product!
Jaco Vinus
2 reviews
I highly recommend this platform for anyone looking for a powerful and efficient way to manage their metrics, logs, and traces.
Andrew Colin
1 review
This is the most amazing product i have ever used and does everything i have been looking for.

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