Don't waste time sifting through hundreds of ChatGPT plugins. Use Plugin Surf to ride the wave! 🌊 Join the community to upvote the best plugins to the top. 100% free, updated daily.
This plugin sounds helpful for streamlining the process of finding the best ChatGPT plugins. I like the idea of riding the wave of the vast ocean of ChatGPT plugins with Plugin Surf!
Congrats on the launch, Rafal 🚀🚀
This is a brilliant idea, a directory for ChatGPT plugins. I have a feeling this will grow up quite rapidly once the plugin access is made available to everyone :)
The best surfer of the AI wave is definitely @rafal_makes with plugin surf
In literally 10 seconds you've explained in a super cool video your amazing product
Having the chance to sort all chatgpt plugins will save a lot of time
+1 for the surf analogy
+1 for being an amazing maker
Keep it up, you're doing awesome