I just received the first challenge! It seems really practical! not just a bunch of theoretical suggestions! looking forward to the next days of the challenge!
Signed up for the challenge as a beta tester and I have to say: Its awesome! It saves so much time in the creation because you just need to take 30 mins a day for 10 days and you will have a better pitch deck then you could ever create by your own! Especially the design inspiration is GOLD!
Hey I am not actually creating a pitch deck right now but I signed up in pure curiosity... I really like it. provides Value, is well structured, and would definitely even help me as someone who has seen and created lots of pitch decks.
I really needed this! Been "working" on my pitchdeck for way too long - haven't prioritised it yet. I feel like this is giving me all the reasons to pick it up daily the next 10 days! Thank you!
I just received the first E-Mail. Already now i can say that i have fun to work on the challenges and i already learned with some helpful tips! Really looking forward to the next days and the new content!
Pitch Deck Catch Phrases